A Hermit's Request: Read Me By Darkelfguy Index: 1. Installation 2. Requirements 3. Version History 4. Save Games 5. Playing the Mod 6. Summery 7. Bugs and Conflicts 8. Upcoming Releases 9. Credits 10. Contact and Information 11. Glossary 12. Hints and Explanations ************************************************************************************************* 1. Installation ************************************************************************************************* Simply extract all files to your Morrowind/Data Files/ directory. Typically found on the C hard drive under Program Files. ************************************************************************************************* 2. Requirements ************************************************************************************************* All you need is Morrowind, no expansions and no other mods are required. ************************************************************************************************* 3. Version History ************************************************************************************************* 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Some minor tweaks and fixed a small bug: - Added item specification to a Journal Entry (Thanks to samurai for pointing that out) - Tweaked one of the scripts to be more effective - Fixed a bug where if, on the last quest, the player "attacked first and asked questions later", it would prevent the player from completing the quest. Now the player should be able to complete the quest no matter what. (Thanks to Delophreaus for pointing it out) 1.2 - Fixed a few ownership values with the final reward. (Thanks to Macready for pointing it out) 1.21 - Replaced some of the scripts with more effective versions, replaced a variable name that could have caused potential conflicts, and cleaned up a few things. ************************************************************************************************* 4. Save Games ************************************************************************************************* If you have a save game with A Hermit's Request already installed, then you'll either need to A). Load a previous save game before A Hermit's Request was added or B). Clean the save of A Hermit's Request 1.0 (or 1.1) before activating/replacing the current file with version 1.2. Note: If you have A Hermit's Request already, there's pretty much no reason for you to install version 1.2, since the only changes are minor, and only noticable if you haven't completed the quests yet. ************************************************************************************************* 5. Playing the Mod ************************************************************************************************* There's only one esp included with this file, A Hermit's Request.esp. To activate it, simply checkmark it in the Data Files list on the Morrowind launcher. ************************************************************************************************* 6. Summery ************************************************************************************************* To the west of Seyda Neen, along the bitter coast, there lives a hermit by the name of Thexn Akaasul. It would seem that Thexn has a series of tasks for any adventurous soul willing to seek him out, though they deal mostly with the necessities of life rather than adventures of the grandiose sort. But perhaps there’s more than meets the eye? There’s something not quite right with this hermit, something hidden and kept in the dark. Will you shed light on the matter? Will you help Thexn Akaasul uncover the thing most precious to him? And when you find that which Thexn truly seeks, will you bestow it upon him or take it away? Well now, that’s up to you ain’t it? A Hermit’s Request includes four new quests surrounding Thexn and a new dungeon. For the most part these quests were designed for new characters, involving a lot of fetch type objectives. However, there is an underlying story to it all and the final quest may surprise some. For the quests, the first three can be done at any level, and the forth is recommended for levels 5-9. Hope you all enjoy this little adventure, and be sure to leave feedback (especially if you find a bug). *Cleaned with Morrowind Enchanted Editor* ************************************************************************************************* 7. Bugs and Conflicts ************************************************************************************************* Bugs: There's no actual bugs known of at the moment, though it is possible to ruin the quest-line by using the console to get to particular areas out of order. Conflicts: This mod adds a shack and a small tomb entrance to cells (-3, -9), (-3, -8), and (-4, -9) in the Bittercoast region. There are no landscape changes and the added shack (plus dock) and tomb entrance take up only a minimal amount of space. So despite the over 70 mods reported in the area (MMGUM) few will actually conflict. I've already verified this by downloading over a dozen of them and checking for conflicts, of which I found none. So chances are if you have a mod already in these cells, they won't conflict, but if you do find a conflict please report it so I can get to work on a compatible version. ************************************************************************************************* 8. Upcoming Releases ************************************************************************************************* This section is something of a new idea, since it usually takes me so long to make each of my mods, this'll show what I'm up to and a basic release schedule for my projects. Of course things have a tendency to change, but rest assured most of these projects will be completed, just maybe not in the given time frame. The Haunted Tavern of the West Gash 1.2 - This is an update to THTWG that fixes one or two small bugs, divides the Glory Ride Inn into 4 cells (to alleviate framerate problems) and adds 2-3 new quests surrounding the Inn. Redaynia Village 1.2 - This is going to be an enhanced-compatibility version of Redaynia Village, since I'm still worried there may be some minor dialogue conflicts with Ald Redaynia Expanded. This version will also fix two minor bugs and add a few quests/improved dialogue. ************************************************************************************************* 9. Credits ************************************************************************************************* Rougetet - For MMGUM, which helped greatly with tracking down potential conflicts. Link: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6000 Bethesda Softworks - For Morrowind and the CS, what would we ever do without them? Link: http://www.elderscrolls.com/home/home.php Farren Hayden - For Morrowind Enchanted Editor, a wonderful little program that makes cleaning mods all the easier. Link: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Other.Detail&id=52 Myself (Darkelfguy) - For creating the physical mod. ************************************************************************************************* 10. Contact and Information ************************************************************************************************* If you need to contact me for help, bugs, mod support, or anything else try either the comments section at Planet Elder Scrolls or The Elder Scrolls Nexus. If I don't get back to you in a timely fashion, feel free to email or msn me at darkelfmodding@live.com and if I still don't get back to you within 48 hours, as a last ditch effort send me a message on Xfire (Darkelfguy). That I'm sure not to miss! Also please be sure to contact me for permission BEFORE you upload my mod to any other site! ************************************************************************************************* 11. Glossary ************************************************************************************************* This is a list of people and places mentioned in this mod but not yet visit-able. They're all involved in future projects, so eventually you'll be able to see it all for yourself. Baltsine - The mining town of Baltsine, located along the coast of the grazelands. It's primary export is the glass mined at the Baltsine glass mine, a short distance from the actual town. Baltsine is home to a thriving population with a fairly large growth rate and has recently become one of the more important ports on the eastern side of Vvardenfell. Noticeably has no connection to Fort Baltsine (Oblivion). Baltsine Contract - The famous Baltsine Contract, negotiated by Pyrelion Zari, allowed for the construction of the town of Baltsine. The land was originally a temple holding, but thanks to some careful planning, was made available to the East Empire Company in exchange for building a tribunal temple in the new community. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after the contract was finalized that it was realized that the temple size was never specified. This allowed for the Imperials to use a shack for the tribunal temple, cementing one of the greatest blows to Temple pride. Dalumir Akaasul - The brother of Thexn Akaasul, he works as a clerk for Pyrelion Zari at an office in the town of Fayrth. Fayrth - The port city of Fayrth, located along the bitter coast between Hla Oad and Gnaar Mok. Serves as the region's primary harbor and also provides numerous services for both travelers and locals. Pyrelion Zari - Specialized landscape negotiator, commonly considered the best man to go to when encountering a problem settling a land contract. ************************************************************************************************* 12. Hints and Explanations ************************************************************************************************* WARNING! This section contains spoilers! Proceed at your own risk! * * * * * * * * * * Hints: Q. I've completed the first three quests but how do I start the forth? A. Ask Thexn about a "little secret", depending on your disposition with him, he should provide you with the forth quest (which is divided into three parts). Q. Why can't I ever seem to convince the smugglers to leave peacefully? A. The response is based on your character's strength, so if it's too low, they'll just attack you. Explanations: WARNING! Still spoilers! * * * * * * * * * * Q. What was up with all that Akaasul family information in the dialogue? A. The dialogue on Thexn's family heritage was to provide a stark difference between his ancestors and himself. As the player will eventually find out, Thexn was both a smuggler and a drug addict at one time. Whereas many of his ancestors had done honorable and good things. This information helps the player understand why Thexn may be feeling a little guilty, especially when you combine this with his brother's letter. Q. Why the swampy design for the tomb? A. I've always found it kinda strange that bittercoast tombs, despite being located in a swamp, were perfectly dry. I wanted to see what a swampy tomb would be like, one that was slowly being eaten away by the corroding forces of nature and time. Q. This seems like a basic quest mod. A. That's because it is, it's the first time I've even tried questing in the TES CS and this was the result. Expect me to improve with time.