Oblivion Style Vampires for Morrowind v1.2 Author: DoctorEss (I've gone through a few name changes over the years, but some of you may know me from some early mods I put out, being the "Aegis Armor" and the "Wraith Armor".) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mod Info Section: The goal of this mod was to give the player a vampire experience more in-line with other Elder Scrolls titles. Sure, there are many other vampire-related mods for Morrowind. I feel many of these overstate the focus of vampires (they're not all the game is about), or they break lore or difficulty in some way. (Multiple powerful companions, etc.) I decided to alter vampires in a way I felt respected lore, and provided an overall better gameplay experience for the player. That said, what this mod does is simple: When you are infected with Porphyric Hemophilia, and the standard three days pass, you will be a vampire. However, you will be a weak vampire (but still stronger than you were as a mortal). NPCs will *not* know you for what you are. You can quest, and do everything you would normally, and the only thing is that occasionally, people might remark that you appear ill. Your vampirism will progress as you go without feeding. Every 24 hours that pass, you will become stronger. The drawbacks of this are that you will take more sun damage, and more fire damage,as the days pass. When you reach the fourth and final stage, NPCs will be able to identify what you are, and will treat you as such, or outright attack you. (As would normally happen). At any point, however, you can feed upon the living. You will be given a feed spell upon becoming a vampire. This is separate from your Vampiric Touch spell, which I left alone. If you use your feed spell on an NPC, you will feed on their blood, and restore your appearance, and reset the stages of your vampirism. Be aware: This act will be considered unlawful and aggressive if you do it in town. Same as if you were to simply attack someone. The tl;dr of all this is: If you played a vampire in Oblivion, and know how that works, then you know how this works. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAQ: Q: Does your mod conflict with (insert mod here)? A: If (insert mod here) doesn't deal with vampires, then no, it doesn't. Q: Is your mod compatible with (insert other vampire mod here)? A: Probably not. I haven't tested it, feel free to, at your own risk. Q: Will you update your mod to be compatible with (insert other vampire mod here)? A: No. Q: Does this make vampires overpowered? A: No. The fourth stage is identical to the original Morrowind vampires in terms of power. On average, you will be less powerful more often. Trade-off for being actually able to do quests. Q: Does feeding work like Oblivion, where I feed on sleeping people? A: No one sleeps in Morrowind except the player. ;) So, no, it doesn't. Restrictions of the game, and there's really not a lot of options to work around it. I didn't want to make this mod dependant on one that provided scheduling for NPCs, such as sleeping. Live, awake targets only, I'm afraid. Q: How will this affect my character's face? A: In an effort to simulate the Oblivion deterioration of your appearance, you will retain your original, chosen face during stages 1, 2, and 3. Upon reaching stage 4, you will switch to the "vampire" face. (This will reset back to your original face if you feed.) Q: Why don't I get stronger when I feed? A: Didn't work that way in Oblivion, and I didn't want it to work that way in my mod. Switching it around like that is tantamount to cheating, and I didn't want to make a cheat mod. I wanted to keep things balanced, and use Bethesda's original vision for how vampires should work. In that you're forced to choose: Power with the drawbacks of being known as a vampire, or less power, but you can pass as human. Q: Can I use your mod (or even one of your old ones I found online) as part of my mod I'm working on? A: Case-by-case basis only. Much like with anything else I've worked on, if you want to use it, contact me first, and tell me what you want to use it for. Standard stuff, really. Q: I don't like your mod! A: `Kay. Q: I like that other vampire mod better. A: `Kay. Q: Why did you make this? A: Wanted to. Didn't like the vampire system in Morrowind, refused to believe that Bethesda didn't code it like this because it couldn't be done. Decided to do it, did it. Primarily just for me, but figured I can't be the only one who'd want it, so I'm uploading it. Q: I found a bug/issue/problem/conflict! A: If it's an internal conflict/problem/issue/bug, in that it's my mod, and just my mod, email me, I'll fix it. If it's due to it interacting badly with another mod, email me, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to fix the conflict. (Again, if it doesn't play nice with other vampire mods, I will not fix that.) Q: I want to kiss your butt and tell you that you're great! A: By all means, go right ahead. Q: I can't do any quests for my vampire clan! A: See Bugs and Known Issues. Q: I can't do the cure quest! A: See Bugs and Known Issues. Q: I made some alterations to your mod, and I want to upload it under my name instead of yours. A: No. Not only no, but hell no. Q: How did you make (random thing from my mod) work? A: Email and ask, it's not a complicated mod by any means, or even really complex scripting, but I'll be glad to share my experience, if it helps with your modding work. Q: I have a question that's not in your FAQ! A: Email and ask. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bugs and Known Issues: The very first time you wake up as a vampire (after having the dream), you will immediately progress to the second stage of your vampirism, instead of the first. Because of the way this jump happens (when switching from the 3 day incubation period of Porphyric Hemophilia to actual vampirism), you will carry the stage 1 stat bonuses (stacked with stage 2) for that first day. When you progress to the next day, the stat issue will correct itself. It is important to note that this is a ONE-TIME BUG. It happens that first time, and never, ever again. The stages progress normally thereafter, they reset properly via feeding, and there is never a stacked stat issue after that. Because of it's incredibly mild nature, and the fact that it doesn't cause any problems, and will only happen one single time, this *will not be fixed*. Don't report it, I'm aware of it, and it's not worth fixing. (That, and most attempted fixes resulted in all sorts of interesting new problems that were very much NOT mild.) You will not be able to embark on any vampire clan quests or the vampire cure quest unless you are starving for blood. (Stage 4). Again, this is decidedly a minor issue, and isn't worth fixing. Don't report it. Just be aware of it. There's a handful of reasons why I had to do it this way, and I don't think it's a terrible inconvenience to make sure you're at that stage before doing these quests. Much like the other issue, attempting to fix this one introduced a lot more problems. Important: *Do not use this mod on a save file where you are already a vampire. This will result in very unpredictable behavior. This mod assumes the player character is NOT currently a vampire.* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact me at: docessmods@gmail.com I can't guarantee fast responses, but I will do my best.