---------Credits--------- Myself for cleaning up the logo and remaking the sound Bethesda for making the logo in the first place. ----------About---------- Playing Morrowind for years, I grew tired of the old, lowres Bethesda logo, it looked unprofessional and ugly compared to the logos in Oblivion, Fallout 3 and later Skyrim. However, it was very well done and I decided I wanted to fix it's lack of detail and do justice to the artists that created it. -------Installation------ 1. Download the Morrowind code patch by Hrnchamd and Psyringe from MwNexus or GHF: http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/19510 http://download.fliggerty.com/download-58-139 2. Follow the code patch instructions and run "Morrowind Code Patch.exe" 3. Make sure to select "Hi-def cutscene support" under "- Mod Related Features -" 4. Apply your chosen patches 5. Drag and drop "Bethesda Logo.bik" into your "Data Files\Video\" folder. 6. Alternatively, use the file located in the "Nostalgia version" if you can't let go of the original sound, this of course will be personal preference. 7. Play the game.