Skyrim Smithing Set V1.00 Beta by RubberMan 13th Jan 2013 The esp contained within these files is optional and only exists as an example. It replaces the forge in Suran with the new Skyrim style models. ----------------------------------------------------- Installation: Comes with installer - unpack and click the installer. Note: If you are using Steam you may have to install this into a different folder. ----------------------------------------------------- Using the meshes in TESCS: 1. Right click in the object window. Click new. 2. Give the ID a name you will remember. 3. Add the art file > Should be in Morrowind/ Data Files/ Meshes/ SG/ 4. Click ok and place the mesh in world. ------------------------------------------------------ Possible problems: Some of the textures used are from the Morrowind Overhaul V3.00 but I understand these are just replacements of the original vanilla textures. Apart from that "possible problem" there are no others that I am aware of. ======================================================= Notes; These meshes were designed to be used by several different object editors and may need some scale tweaking to get the prefered size for the game. Please feel free to improve the textures at will If you use any of these models in your own mod releases please remember to credit me for them. Thats it. Thanks. Contact: