Name : Assassin Ambush Version : 2.5 Author : hollaajith Date : 28/Feb/2015 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Summary : Overhauls Dark Brotherhood attacks and adds chance of Morag Tong Assassin Attack.Also adds complete Morag Tong Armor by Alaisiagae. Main Features include - - Makes Dark Brotherhood assassins to strike out in wilderness while in guild quests - Makes Dark Brotherhood Attack to occur based on your level, Guild Standings and Global Reputation, so at lower levels, there would be hardly any attack. - At higher levels as your status increases, number of asssassins increases upto maximum 3 and higher level assassins appear. - Lower level assassins wear Netch or chitin Armor. Only high level Assassins wear the pricey Dark Brotherhood armor and the assassins may be females too. - Also, as you raise in a Great House, Morag Tong Assassins may strike in your sleep. - There are safe places where the assassins don't attack, like inside Ghostfence, Cavern of Incarnate etc. - Assassins may teleport away if their health falls below 20%. If you don't like the assassins to teleport, just open the console and type without quotes "Set UAH_DBFlee to 0" and press Enter. If you change your mind and want assassins to teleport, then type "Set UAH_DBFlee to 1" and Press Enter. - Also to stop the DBAttack, you need to kill the DB boss. Just talking to the guy in Ebonheart isn't enough. Your 'reputation' is calculated using the following formula to get a scale of 0 to 5. 0.5 * [ ( ( Sum of all guild rankings )/8 ) + ( Reputation / 5 ) + ( Level / 2 )] Double weightage is given for being in Temple, one of Great House and Morag TOng. Safe Places include -- --Inside red mountain, as it is nearly inhospitable --Morag tong guild halls, for obvious reasons --Hircine's maze, since this place is only accessible for champions chosen by Hircine --Vampire Headquarters --Kogoruhn --Magas Volar --The Clock Work City --Ministry of Truth --Vivec's Palace --Cavern of Incarnate --Almalexia's Chapel --Corprusarium --Castle Karstaag Interior --Tombs of Skaalara -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Installation : Extract the archive to a temporary folder and move the contents int 'Data Files' folder. Activate just one of the ESP, not both. * Assassin Ambush2.5.esp * Assassin Ambush2.5 - Easy.esp Easy version uses a relaxed version of the above formula. If you are updating to v2.5 from an older version make sure you update using Wrye Mash's "Updaters.." feature. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Compatibility : Conflicts with any mod modyfying dark brotherhood assassins and other dark brotherhood delay mods. Conflicts with my other mod 'DBAttack Tweaked' which is incorporated into this. Don't use both together. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Credits : Alaisiagae for Morag Tong Armor Resources Rattfink333 for fixing the Morang Tong Cuirass oudeis, raym and others at official forums for ideas and inspiration Bethesda for creating Morrowind -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Contact : For any suggestions and bugs you can contact me under 'hollaajith' at the Bethesda forums.