========================= Pokey, the Guar Companion ========================= =========== Description =========== Pokey is a baby Guar companion, at the moment he only follows you around. He can be found with these instructions: First, once you exit Seyda Neen follow the road and go right towards Pelagiad, then at the second sign continue towards Pelagiad through the pass. There should be a body of water in front of you, (Lake Hairan)and you should see Pelagiad to the left. He should be somewhere to the right near the lake among the mushrooms. (I think there is another Guar too.) This is my first mod and will try to make this mod more awesome in the future. ============ Installation ============ Just extract the Pokey.rar then drag and drop the Pokey.esp into the ...\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Data Files folder