Vivec Records Lore Friendly by Ostar There are two locations in Vivec - Hlaalu Records and Redoran Records - that are supposed to keep records for their respective Houses. If you actually look at the record books, they are all in-game books - dozens and dozens of them. Especially if you have some book jacket mod (like Better Books - and why shouldn't you?) this is immersion breaking. So for those two cells, I replaced almost all the game books with five or so different version of generic record books for each house. Reading them gives you something like: [These are official records, ledgers, and documents for House Hlaalu. And of absolutely no use to you.] or [These are official records and documents for House Redoran. Dusty, dull, and useless to you.] No quests use the replaced books, and there were no skill books in either cell, so it should have no impact on gameplay. I created this mod originally for incorporation in MTA_version4 for Midgetalien, so don't use this if using that mod. Otherwise I don't think there will be any mod conflicts. To install, simply unzip to your Morrowind folder, or manually place the esp in the Data Files folder. Modders can incorporate this in their mods if they so desire. Changelog: v 1.0 First release.