MGEXE Users: For information about the FPS hit from the added NPC's check the posts for details. This will be updated periodically town by town till they are all covered. Remember to grab the updates if you are not placing these or adding anything yourself. Updates: ======== Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Update (NPC's added to Vivec Foreign Quarters Exteriors and Interiors) Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Update 2 (NPC's added to Vivic Redoran Quarters Exteriors and Interiors) Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Update 3 Changelist: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NPC's added to Vivec Hlaalu Quarters Exteriors and Interiors. Made prisons more interesting by adding cellmates and jail fights. These cell mates can consist of thugs as well so think twice before stealing. The guards are very corrupt and will let the thug beat you to death and keep your gear. Added breton female and males to the street thug leveled list. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Update 4 - Bug Fix (Thug Script): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who downloaded this file I messed up this update accidentally by putting the code where it checks the Thugs health in the wrong nested if block. Download Update 5 and it will fix it. I have removed this from the file download section to avoid confusion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Update 5 - Bug Fix (Thug Script): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes my mistake I made on my last bug fix update (Update 4). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Update 6 (NPC's added to Vivec St. Delyn Exteriors and Interiors) Dynamic Morrowind - Towns Update 7 Changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NPC's added to Vivec Arena Exteriors and Interiors Female and male darkelves added to thug level list Features Added: ============== Bumming It (You can sleep on town streets live like a homeless man fighting thugs) - First you must beat up the hostile thugs within the area or it won't allow you to rest. More reason to go indoors and rent a room if you don't wanna deal with the poor scum walking the streets. Dynamic NPC spawns (Random NPC's. Gender, Gear, Clothing, Levels, and Type) - Balmora - Seyda Neen - Caldera - Vivec (Work in progress) Realtime Player Weapon Tracking (Enemies react based on weapons equipped) Realtime Player Distance Tracking (Run away from NPC's and they will stop attacking you if conditions are met) * Conditions: - Player does not have a marksman weapon out - Player is far enough away Survival Guide: ============ Do NOT raise weapons or fists to non-hostile NPC's Do NOT walk into fishy looking citizens. They may be thugs Do NOT bump into other fishy looking NPC's when running from a thug Do NOT raise a marksman weapon when trying to avoid combat with a civilian Avoid going to jail if possible. With corrupt guards and trouble maker prison mates it could be your last visit. Citizens (All Non-Beast Races): ========================== Street and Bar Brawlers (Hand picked NPC's and spawns + brawling scripts) Thugs (Imperials and Bretons) Poor (All Races) Wealthy (All Races) Rich (All Races) Other (All Non-Beast Races): ======================== Warrior (All Races) Mage (All Races) Archer (All Races) Features To Come: ================ Murderers (Thugs with Weapons) Smokable Moonsugar with Effects Roaming Beggars NPC looting player on knockdown NPC and Player knockdown dialogue options NPC potion drinking Guards alarmed by dead bodies (Crime radius cooldown system) Suggested Mods: ============== Basic Combat Skills: Bugs: ===== If you receive errors when loading your game just do a clean save and reload morrowind. COMPATIBILITY: ============== Tested and works with "Morrowind Overhaul" and with "Animated Morrowind". This does not alter any vanilla NPC in any way. May cause a problem with other NPC addons spawn locations maybe, but I don't know. If you find anything that needs changed the esp is easily customizable and the leveled lists are easy to locate. This is still a work in progress so report bugs if there are any and I will fix them ASAP. My Mods: ============================================================================== Basic Combat Skills: Beast Race Passive Ability Fix: Dynamic Morrowind Sound Addon: