MCA 8.1 Names ver 1.2 by rolandthemad ******************* OVERVIEW ******************************************************************************************************** This plugin gives unique names to over 800 NPCs added by MCA 8.1.(out of about the 1000) Every name should be Lore-Correct, and there should be only a few different NPC's with the same name. Hopefully this will give some new life to MCA, as every NPC will be named (except the Guards, Zombies, Corpses and all others that don't need names), and since every MCA NPC will have a new name, it should feel somewhat like a whole new set of NPC's. REQUIREMENTS ********************************************************************************************************* Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, and the latest 8.1 version of Morrowind Comes Alive PROBLEMS/CONFLICTS ********************************************************************************************************* There should be absolutely no conflicts with any other mods. All this mod does is change names of NPCs added by MCA and should therefore effect nothing else. HOW DID I DO IT? (Lord Tarius) ********************************************************************************************************* Should, for any reason, you wish to go back and change some (of all, if you want) of the names yourself, there is a method to doing it that is easier than going into the Construction Set and changing every name there. All I did was use the MW Enchanted Editor to change the names for the NPCs which MCA added, thats it, and those are the only references effected and included in this esp file. Here is the method that was used previous to me: 1) Open the construction set, and load the latest version of MCA. Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon will load automatically when you do this, so there's no need to enable those mods yourself. 2) Go to the NPC's tab. Notice that all of the MCA NPC's have names like 'Archer' and 'Assassin' etc.? Well, not for long. Go to 'Export Data' (file menu, then 'NPC's', then click on 'All NPC's'. 3) The 'save' box should come up, and at the bottom you should see 'Save at type' - Text File (Tab Delimited). This is what we want, so give the file a name (something you'll remember) and save it somewhere accessible, where you can easily go back to it later. 4) After this, go to the place where it is saved, right-click, and open it with Microsoft Excel (the spreadsheet program). 5) After it opens, spread the B and C tabs out enough so you can see the names. "Where are the MCA ones?" Might you ask. Well, to make them comes up to the top, highlight the entire B column by clicking on the B bar at the top - then go to the 'Sort Ascending' button, and they'll all be there. 6) Here's the fun part. Go through the C column and change every name as you see fit. You should delete all of the stock Morrowind NPC's from the spreadsheet (they should be at the bottom now). They're not needed, unless you want to change any of their names aswell. All you need is a very wide imagination or a very good name generator. By way of name generators, I'd recommend these two: 7) After you've changed every name to your satisfaction, open MCA in the Construction Set again. This time go to Import Data, then NPC's, and find the TXT Tab-Delimited file that you started with and which should have all of the new names you put. Then click on the NPC's tab and all of the MCA NPC's will have their names. After that, just save the plugin, and you're ready to go. IMPORTANT NOTE: When you first save, it will say something like 'This may have features which are not compatible with Text (Tab Delimited). Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?' To this, answer YES. DO NOT save this as a Microsoft Spreadsheet file. The only file type that can be imported into the Construction Set (aside from ESPs, ESMs, and NIF files) is a Tab Delimited file. INSTALLATION *********************************************************************************************************** Simply extract the mod into Morrowind/Data Files. The only thing here is an ESP and a readme, so it should be pretty easy to do. When adding this plugin, just make sure it loads after MCA.esm. SPECIAL THANKS ************************************************************************************************************ Original: A shout-out to Blake and Denunci for their previous work with this idea, especially to Blake who revealed the method that I used and have passed on to people who make this mod in the future. 6.1: This is based on the work of AJB4, takes most of the names directly from his MCA Names 5.2 and transfers them to an esp file that will work with MCA 6.1, since in this MCA version, many of the NPCs have had their references renamed. Thanks to Lord Tarius for the 6.1 version of this file! All names came directly from there and just resorted in this version for MCA 8.1 compatibility. VERSIONS ************** 1: Updated work done by previous contributors to make compatible with MCA 8.1 1.1: Returned Beggars to having generic names 1.2 Removed "Sitbar" npcs since this did not seem to function very well, gave names to all the generic warriors and mages, returned tavern drunkards to generic names, removed duplicates