*Guttural Orcs* An Orc Voice Replacer Mod by lochnarus ***************************************************************** Synopsis: This "mod" is a voice replacer for all the male Orcs in the game. It is not a true plugin, as it has no .esp file. It changes the voices to make them sound more menacing, deeper and truer to what an Orc is supposed to have. Basically what I did was take every sound file for the male Orc (there are 224), loaded them individually into Goldwave (a sound editing program), then pitch-shifted them down approximately 4 semitones. Finally, I exported the results back into an MP3 file that has exactly the same file attributes as the original (mono, 64kbps, 44.1khz). The size of the files are the same as the originals. Nothing has been changed except the pitch. The pitch has not been lowered too much, as that would make what they're saying unintelligable, but it is lower and much better. ***************************************************************** 1. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN ***************************************************************** To install the plugin, unzip the files with WinRAR into the Morrowind directory. They should go where they're supposed to. This plugin does not require any expansions. Only Morrowind. This is a replacer, therefore it has no plugin file. In any case, make a backup copy of your Data Files/Sound/Vo/o/m folder before extracting this file. ***************************************************************** 2. PLAYING THE PLUGIN ***************************************************************** No action is needed, just extracting the files will finish the work. ***************************************************************** 3.CREDTIS lochnarus- sound editing