================================================================= Darknut's Morrowind Crafting 2.1 Textures 1-22-2015 =============== 1. DESCRIPTION =============== My version of the Morrowind Crafting 2.1 Textures That I made for myself. Tweaked a couple of the meshes as well Now you can use them if you want. =============== 2. Requirements =============== Morrowind Crafting 2.1 & all it requires. ======================== 3. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN ======================== Extract to your Morrowind directory Textures go in Data files/textures/ meshes go in Data files/meshes/mc ===================== 4. PLAYING THE PLUGIN ===================== =============== 5. SAVE GAMES =============== shouldnt effect your saved games ============================ 6. CONFLICTS / KNOWN ERRORS ============================ These will obviously overwrite the relevant Morrowind Crafting 2.1 files