**************************************************************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind: Better armor rev. 12-13 Furs&Leather&etc ********************************************************************************************************* Require: M. BSA-archive! ********************************************************************************************************************** 1. INSTALLATION ************************************************************************************************************* 1) Extract the archive into ...\Morrowind\Data Files; 2) Open Morrowind.ini, Find Block [Archives], and write name of BSA-archive; _________ [Archives] Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa Archive 2=BetterBodies2.0_1C.bsa Archive 3=Better armor (rev12_Furs&Nord&Leather).bsa ________ 3) Start Morrowind Launcher, choose «Files»; 4) Find and double-click Better armor (rev12_Furs&Nord&Leather).esp; 5) all FNL&etc armors in the game will be changed; ************************************************************************************************************* 2. WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? ************************************************************************************************************* It`s Actually replacer all non complete armors. Bump, glow and all other. )) - this much beautifully + Revised low-level artifacts - gloves, brasers of @horn fists@ (enchant + increased price) + Gloves of Fame - (fur gloves enchant + enhanced, it is recommended to wear with the "caps") + The Icecap (price increased, the white fur - use with Glory gloves) + Dreugh cuirass (dreugh_cuirass_ttrm) - a unique model changed enchant more substantial (it is the Cave of the Koala at the Altar of Honor awarded) + Masque of Clavicus Vile (enchant script, ie remove "plastic" glow) + Cuirass of the Savior's Hide + Conoon Chodala's Boots (from the cave of the Incarnation), a unique model + Ten Pace Boots - revised parameters, a unique model + Heavy Leather Boots + all Nordic Fur armors + Dreugh helm of the Holy Fire, a unique model + Boots of the Apostle + Merisan Cuirass + All other Nordic armors + Fist of Randagulf Gauntlet (retekstur) + Shield (Netch Leather, Eleidon's Ward, Auriel's Shield and Etc) + add new Dreugh shield (added to the Level lists) + all leather helmets (Netch, Furs, Colovian Fur Helm, Morag Tong) + All Netch leather. Cuirass, greaves, boots, gloves ... Etc. + everything else that has not been modified. ************************************************************************************************************* 3. AUTHORS. ************************************************************************************************************* HedgeHog-12 ejov3003@gmail.com 12 2008 ************ Wait other armor`s replacer`s:)