**************************************************************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind: Better armor (rev10 Orcish) ********************************************************************************************************* Require: M. BSA-archive! ********************************************************************************************************************** 1. INSTALLATION ************************************************************************************************************* 1) Extract the archive into ...\Morrowind\Data Files; 2) Open Morrowind.ini, Find Block [Archives], and write name of BSA-archive; _________ [Archives] Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa Archive 2=BetterBodies2.0_1C.bsa Archive 3=Better_Armor(Rev.10 - Orcish-AD).esp ________ 3) Start Morrowind Launcher, choose «Files»; 4) Find and double-click Better_Armor(Rev.10 - Orcish-AD).esp; 5) all Oroch armor in the game will be changed; ************************************************************************************************************* 2. WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? ************************************************************************************************************* It`s Actually replacer orcish armors. Bump, glow and all other. )) - this much beautifully ************** Are changed: Two versions of the master file: Standard and Advanced version which included several bonuses. + An alternative black armor + A few new swords + boots for Beastrace + A unique dvemer artifact + A large number of treasures + Orchih dreadnought + Strange Dwemer, (or not Dwemer?))) Sanctuary, which can be upgraded + Some additional bonuses Hint, where all these things, you can get into the house for Kai Kosades. ************************************************************************************************************* 3. AUTHORS. ************************************************************************************************************* HedgeHog-12 ejov3003@gmail.com 09-10 2008 ************* GREAT thanks to the translation this plugin to: Tsetra And: Special thanks to support translation and correction of texts: Kalian & Painkiller_rider Thank you guys! ************ Wait other armor`s replacer`s:)