Hello! So, I've made a new small house mod! Nothing spectacular but at two thousand dollars or rather two thousand septims, it's a nice small home for low level characters with decent storage. The house is located right next door to Fargoth's and is a one bedroom house. No fireplace or pit unfortunely. But I'm sure you'll make do. The house is for sale from Arrille so if he's dead, you're out of luck. The house can be broken into at a lock level of 75, but what's the fun in that? As usual with mods, it does not come with cutlery or plates as I'm too lazy to put those down/I end up picking them up personally so I have space for weapons or stuff. --- How to install! NMM: Add this mod to NMM by dragging the file into the mods window or by opening the mod window and clicking add mod from file. Then activate it. Manual: Open up the file in WinRar or Winzip, ect and move the ESP to your Data folder. Then open up Morrowind Launcher and select the plugin in the list. Then play. -- Will likely conflict with Morrowind Rebirth [As I believe it rehauls Seyda Neen] or similar mods that change around Seyda Neen, but you can try anyway. Requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon! -- Credits: You may redistribute this on other sites so long as I'm credited as the original creator. Additionally, if you feel like you want to build on my mod then please do the same thing.