***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Magick Oblivion Regeneration 1.4 ***************************************************************** ABOUT THIS MOD ***************************************************************** Re-upload 2015: I did this little module in 2008, I upload it again because I realized that itīs really hard to find the zip with the readme included. TheRafe (Kiasyd - Nefandi) -> Many Nicks in Many Years LOL. ***************************************************************** This mod will allow you to regenerate magicka over time with the same formula used in Oblivion, faster if you have higher Intelligence and Willpower values. The formula that Oblivion uses is the following one (http://cs.elderscrolls.com): MagickaRegenRate = 0.01 * (fMagickaReturnBase + fMagickaReturnMult * Willpower) * TotalMagicka. TotalMagicka: Your total Magicka is determined by multiplying your Intelligence by your base Magicka Multiplier, which is 1 by default. Fortify Maximum Magicka effects from Races or Birthsigns can increase this multiplier It is necessary to bear in mind that those born under the sign attronach do not regenerate magic after casting a spell or by resting. FMagickaReturnBase: 0.750 by default (Base value for magicka regeneration rate) FMagickaReturnMult: 0.020 by default (Multiplier for magicka regeneration rate) CHANGE LOG 1.0 - Initial release. 1.1 - Configuration control panel added to this mod. 1.2 - Source code optimized a little (deleted test comments, minor code changes, etc..). Also a small tecnical correction has been applied in the formula to fit the regeneration rate to a few miliseconds lost in every iteration of the timer, which for limitations of the engine of Morrowind is not executed every exact second. This small adjustment does not affect too much to the total regeneration rate per second but the formula is more perfect. 1.3 - Now it is compatible with LeveledMagicka and with any mod or cheat that increases the maximum magicka. Source code optimized again, I can't stop trying to improve this mod :). 1.4 - When you 'wait' your character regenerates magicka like in Oblivion. Will be the last version? :) CONFIGURING THIS MOD You must write "startscript MagickaRegenerationConfig" from the console to fit the regeneneration rate to your preferences. You can choose between the following options: 1-Just as Oblivion (FMagickaReturnBase 0.750 - FMagickaReturnMult 0.020) Example: TotalMagicka 50 Willpower 50 -> 0.875/second 2-Lower than Oblivion (FMagickaReturnBase 0.500 - FMagickaReturnMult 0.015) Example: TotalMagicka 50 Willpower 50 -> 0.625/second 3-Much lower than Oblivion (FMagickaReturnBase 0.250 - FMagickaReturnMult 0.010) Example: TotalMagicka 50 Willpower 50 -> 0.375/second 4-Without magicka regeneration (Morrowind default) INSTALLING THIS MOD To install the plugin, unzip the files into the Morrowind/Data Files directory. From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box next to the kiasyd_magicka_regenerator_1.4.esp file. It works both with new and started games, this mod will not invalidate your old saved games. If you save your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages when you reload the saved game without the plugin. But, you will be able to continue on with the original game. Salu2 a todos :)