Installation: Place the .esp file in the Data Files folder and enable it in the Morrowind Launcher's Data Files section. This mod changes the magicka regen formula when sleeping from Intelligence * 0.15 per hour to Maximum Magicka * 0.15 per hour, which means unless you have the Atronach birthsign, 8 hours of sleep will always restore all of your magicka, even with the Apprentice or Mage birthsigns, the Altmer or Breton races, or any enchanted item that fortifies your maximium magicka. Based on Knu's Natural Magicka Regeneration: v1.1: - now restores magicka once per hour while sleeping so the magicka meter fills gradually instead of all at once when you wake up. - doesn't stop the script if Stunted Magicka is detected, instead simply not restoring magicka, in case a mod gives the player Stunted Magicka temporarily Note: The Until Healed button in the rest menu will calculate the number of hours to sleep to restore magicka based on the vanilla formula, which is more than it should be with this mod. There is an optional alternate file that disables the Until Healed button if desired.