This mod adds all texts from the "Obscure Texts" page on the Imperial Library found here: All books are placed in specific places, and are not random. For most, there is only 1 copy of the book, so dont sell them if you want to have a collection. I was unable to include Analysis on Sermon Zero as it involved too much color coding and it just wouldnt turn out right. Sorry. If someone else is able to take up the task, help yourself I was also unable to include the image in "The Fall of Aldruhn" because adjusting the proportions would alter the image in a way that would cut out part of the image. Go to the "Locations.txt" for locations on all the books Credit goes to "Abot" for helping with the "Foul Murder" image placement. If you have a mod that edits any of the locations that the books are placed within, you can move them in the construction set. All books I added start with "bk_MALUS"