Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Mora Stada By John Meckem ************************************************** Table of Contents 1. Description 2. Installation and Save Games 4. Credits 5. Known bugs ************************************************** Description Mora Stada is a town East of Tel Branora. It can be reached from a boat in Sadrith Mora. I was never happy with the lacking ability to display my treasures, or have a place of my own. Each of the Strongholds built for the houses, did not suit my needs either. Even with mods that greatly improve them, I was still not happy. So I sat down a few years ago, and decided what I wanted most in a town. And Mora Stada was born. There are not quests, or anything like that. It was just made for me to have my own place that I liked. Shops are a trader, alchemist, enchanter, and mage. There is a tavern, in the form of The Dancing Guar. 3 homes, and 2 manors, as well as a guard quarters and tower also are found in Mora Stada. The tower itself has a smith, ingredient sorter, treasure room, and a cavern dungeon. The upper tower houses faction members ready to sign you up, or direct you towards where you can join. The Masters Quarters are all yours. ************************************************** Installation and playing Simply extract the files into your "DATA FILES" folder, select the mod, and begin. There is no worries about hurting a saved game. ************************************************** Credits The waterfalls used in the mod come from Azurian Isles. (Stunning mod, that everyone should see) The dormers, and the signpost come from a Telvanni Lighthouse Mod, that I am no longer certain of its actual name. I lost the original mod in my old PC. If someone can let me know the mod, so I can give proper credit, I would appreciate it. I remember the mod itself set the lighthouse by Tel Mora. The water object comes from Tamriel Rebuilt. Along with this is my thank you's. BHL from Rise of House Telvanni, for his support when I first started modding. (The creation of this mod at that time) Morrowind Modding Showcase, for their desire to bring amazing mods and tutorials to fellow modders like me. And for always answering the questions we have on modding. Tamriel Rebuilt for always helping with stuck spots and questions. Nexus Mods, for allowing me to upload my mods here. ************************************************** Bugs and compatibility There are no known bugs at this time. The mod was cleaned with TES3CMD and Enchanted Editor. Unless the mod alters Sadrith Mora's dock area, there is no known compatibilty issues. It does slightly have a issue with Tamriel Rebuilt, but it is only in the water, and is slight. It does not interfere with the land, or the game itself.