The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: ================== Telvanni Cephalopod Armor ================== by Danke edited by Cheydin 28.01.2016 1. Description 2. Requirements 3. Changelog 4. Install / Uninstall 5. Credits / Contact =============== 1. DESCRIPTION =============== This mod adds a complete Telvanni Cephalopod armor set including a proper robe for the stylistically confident wizard of the extreme east. It was created by Danke, I've just added a missing icon, tweaked placement and uploaded it with his permission. You can find the light armor + robe in a crate in the upper tower of Tel Naga. You need a Wizard rank among the Telvanni to claim it legally, but of course that's no prerequisite to open a crate. As you would expect, the Telvanni set is very suitable for enchantment. =============== 2. REQUIREMENTS =============== Just basic Morrowind. =============== 3. CHANGELOG =============== 1.5 - first version on Nexus 1.5 - added some optional files which grant the armor to Gothren 1.6 - fixed the pauldron with a mesh made by Greatness7. Thanks to Reizeron for the link! ======================== 3. INSTALLATION / UNINSTALL ======================== Copy everything into your Morrowind/Data files and check "Telvanni Cephalopod Armor.esp" in the Launcher. Delete all "danke" files and the esp to uninstall (if you haven't another one Danke's mods installed) ================================ 4. CREDITS / CONTACT ================================ This mod was made by Danke, so credit him when you do something with this mod. (/u/dankedanko on reddit) (/u/Cheydin on reddit) Link to the original on Morrowind Mod History: ================================ Have fun!