You need the ENBPalette.fx shader by phal installed into MGE XE and then install the PURPLE HAZE Palette into your TEXTURE folder. All known working MGE XE shaders are available at (read entire thread): Daemonjax palette by Daemonjax Dahrk's Brown palette by Melchior Dahrk Purple Haze and Orange Crush palettes by Psijonica Palette #1 unknown (if it is by you or you know the author then please PM me) If you want your Palette removed then PM me. Information sent to me from ktbu (Kate the Bionic Uterus) from the official forums: *MGE XE per pixel light settings must be active otherwise you won't be able to see at night or indoors. *highly recommend New Starfields by Melchior Dahrk (and all his other mods too). Stars act as a light source and make the nights more playable on clear evenings. Try the bright green sky! The general rule of thumb is to keep your active shader list to 6 or 7 but try as many as you want in different combinations. Orser is important, certain shaders will have zero effect if place in wrong order. Follow the recommended shader order instructions by Hrnchamd I sent you in previous email. Here's my active shader list that you should copy to acheive similar results: Adaptive HDR 3 (this can also go after SSAO or after bloom but I like it here as was recommended) SSAO Fast Sunshafts Undedrwater Effects Bloom ENBPalette If you are missing any shaders in my list then go get them here--> Some shaders come already in a .fx file and you just drop it into your data files\shaders folder and when you open your mgeXE.gui the new shader will appear in the available shader list on top. If the shader comes in code then--> Just paste the text into notepad or notepad++ and save as a .fx file. Or go into the shader setup in mgeXE, then click editor on the top right, and paste whatever code into there. You can then save as an fx file right into MGE XE's shader folder and it'll appear in the list of shaders you can use. See PIC by Stavroguin--> Stavroguin mgeXE light settings at 100-3-1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR SOME ADVANCE INSTRUCTIONS and a second link for the ENBPalette.fx shader from Daemonjax: //#define USE_ENB_PALELETTE_STRENGTH 0.75 // (optional) [0, 1.0] ; decreases strength of the palette shift. 1.0 would be full strength, while 0 would effectively disable this shader. #define ENB_PALETTE_MINIMUM_CONTRAST 0.10 //[.05, .15] This intentionally has very little effect when USE_CURVE is enabled #define RED_WEIGHT 0.2126 // 1.0/3.0 or 0.299 or 0.2126 are sane values (as long as the sum of the three channels equal 1.0) #define GREEN_WEIGHT 0.7152 // 1.0/3.0 or 0.587 or 0.7152 are sane values (as long as the sum of the three channels equal 1.0) #define BLUE_WEIGHT 0.0722 // 1.0/3.0 or 0.114 or 0.0722 are sane values (as long as the sum of the three channels equal 1.0) #define USE_CURVE // default is enabled #define CURVE_DARK_CONTRAST 0.20 // higher values darken the image and reduce contrast #define CURVE_LIGHT_POWER 2 // [1.2, 5] -- higher values increase the contrast of mid and bright tones (you may need to reduce the strength of your bloom shader) RECOMMENDED: for interiors: #define CURVE_DARK_CONTRAST 0.20 #define CURVE_LIGHT_POWER 2 for exteriors: #define CURVE_DARK_CONTRAST 0.10 #define CURVE_LIGHT_POWER 1.2 ___________________________________________________________ And the recommended shader order by Hrnchamd: A. Worldspace shaders. Stuff that projects onto existing world objects, or air/water effects. (e.g. SSAO, sunshafts, underwater effects) B. Image quality. Anti-aliasing, sharpening or other effects intended to fix edges. Must go before any blurring effects. (e.g. FXAA, LumaSharpen) C. Lens effects. Any kind of eye or lens simulation. (e.g. DoF, distortions, aberration) D. Sensor effects. Any kind of retinal or film simulation. (e.g. bloom, HDR, film grain) E. Artistic effects. Photographic methods used for creative effect (e.g. saturation, color grading) Projected onto actual shaders: A10 SSAO Fast A20 Sunshafts A30 Underwater Interior Effects A40 Underwater Effects B10 FXAA C10 Depth of Field D10 Bloom Fine D20 Eye Adaptation (HDR) E10 LumaSharpen E20 desaturate _______________________________________________________________________ Working shader combinations\order suggested by ktbu from the official forums 1) Aple's gamma shader fix SSAO HQ bokehdof Both underwater effects Sunshafts Bloom Soft Sky Adaptive HDR 3 2) SSAO HQ Luma Sharpen under water effects under water interior effects sunshafts bloom soft sky colour mood shader adaptive HDR 3 (also sometimes I remove this as it makes the armours too shiny and the shader combination looks different. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ lighting ini settings from starwarsguy/gal to play with (make a backup first) [Weather Clear] Sky Sunrise Color=117,141,164 Sky Day Color=130,150,255 Sky Sunset Color=056,089,129 Sky Night Color=000,000,000 Fog Sunrise Color=255,189,157 Fog Day Color=206,227,255 Fog Sunset Color=255,189,157 Fog Night Color=000,000,000 Ambient Sunrise Color=047,066,096 Ambient Day Color=100,150,190 Ambient Sunset Color=068,075,096 Ambient Night Color=019,024,033 Sun Sunrise Color=242,159,119 Sun Day Color=255,252,238 Sun Sunset Color=255,114,079 Sun Night Color=020,014,020 Sun Disc Sunset Color=255,189,157 Transition Delta=.015 Land Fog Day Depth=.69 Land Fog Night Depth=.69 Clouds Maximum Percent=1.0 Wind Speed=.1 Cloud Speed=0.25 Glare View=1 Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Clear.tga Ambient Loop Sound ID=None [Weather Cloudy] Sky Sunrise Color=126,158,173 Sky Day Color=130,150,255 Sky Sunset Color=111,114,159 Sky Night Color=000,000,000 Fog Sunrise Color=255,207,149 Fog Day Color=245,235,224 Fog Sunset Color=255,155,106 Fog Night Color=000,000,000 Ambient Sunrise Color=066,074,087 Ambient Day Color=100,150, 190 Ambient Sunset Color=071,080,092 Ambient Night Color=019,024,033 Sun Sunrise Color=241,177,099 Sun Day Color=255,236,221 Sun Sunset Color=255,089,000 Sun Night Color=020,014,020 Sun Disc Sunset Color=255,202,179 Transition Delta=.015 Land Fog Day Depth=.72 Land Fog Night Depth=.72 Clouds Maximum Percent=1.0 Wind Speed=.2 Cloud Speed=0.4 Glare View=1 Cloud Texture=Tx_Sky_Cloudy.tga Ambient Loop Sound ID=None __________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you phal for the ENBPalette.fx Thank you Hrnchamd for MGE XE Thank You Timeslip for MGE Thank you Bethesda for Morrowind _________________________________________________________________________________________ Always thank you: Nessa, Kate the Bionic Uterus, Ryan Geiss, TheAfterKing, WeyardReturns, Melchior Dahrk, WH-Reaper and all my picture share friends! ~Psijonica