-----README----- Accurate Cursor by RedDawn2587 ---Instructions--- Just drag and drop both the "Cursor_drop.dds" and "Tx_CURSOR.dds" files (in the "Cursors" folder) into your Morrowind/Data Files/Textures folder and replace both. Back up the originals first, you know the drill. ---About--- These are some .dds textures I made that replace the default mouse arrow with a smaller white dot that is ACTUALLY CENTERED on the map icons for locations and such. Naturally, this makes it a bit off-kilter in the opening menu, but it always was, and you don't spend much time in that menu anyway. The default cursor arrow texture was built so that the tip of the arrow was more or less centered on the opening menu options, but in the in-game UI, including the map and inventory, the actual mouse-over area was in the center of the arrow instead of the tip. (see enclosed "Example" folder) This made mousing over the map icons, at least for me, very frustrating, especially around Vivec and other closely clustered towns and areas, because where you expected to be pointing at, the tip of the arrow, was slightly up and to the left of where the UI actually registered your mouseover. Yes, eventually you could get used to it, but I never did, and finally I got fed up and just changed it to a white dot that is actually centered on the correct area. NOTE: The other mouse cursors, such as the cursors to drop items on the ground or to resize windows, remain unchanged.