STORMKISS REFORGED? Description/readme by Enclavekiller? WHAT THIS MOD DOES Not many have discovered the short quest in which you are sent to discover the treasure of Olmgerd the Outlaw, those who did were treated to a very lovely area back in 2002 along with the neat weapon Stormkiss. 14 years later however, it kinda feels lackluster. This mod changes that by overhauling the burial by allowing the player to loot a new medium set of Ancient Nordic armor and a now unique Stormkiss, along with proper journal indexing for the quest which was previously lacking the indexing to be completed. THE ARMOR The armor's stats are higher than Indroil armor but due to the age of the armor (it comes from the First Era) it has low health and will require more maintenance than other armors. Name?????? Armor Rating? Health? Weight? Enchant? Value Ancient Nordic Warrior Boots? ?60?? 250 14 30 6000 Ancient Nordic Warrior Bracers 50?? 200? 4?? 25? 4500 Ancient Nordic Warrior Curiass?? 70?? 450? 20 50? 10000 Ancient Nordic Warrior Greaves 60?? 300? 10?? 30? 6000 Ancient Nordic Warrior Helm?? 65?? 350? 4?? 45? 7500 Ancient Nordic Warrior Pauldrons? 45?? 200? 7?? 25? 4500 HOW DO I GET THIS ARMOR? You gotta do the quest given to you by Ennbjof at The Lizard's Head Tavern on the Telvanni Canton's Waistworks level in Vivec. I'll leave the UESP wiki page here?'s_Nord_Burial if you get stuck. REQUIREMENTS AND COMPATIBILITY Tribunal and Bloodmoon are required. We do not know of any other mods that does this or touches the burial, so this should be compatible with everything. CONTACTS AND PERMISSIONS You do not have permission to use this mod for your work unless you contact Stavroguin and ask him. If you can't get hold of him, send me (Enclavekiller) a PM. You can reach both of us if Comments and PMs fail on the Morrowind Modding Discord, PM me for invite link (or google it). CREDITS AND THANKS Stavroguin/Gevalt- Mod idea, armor, Stormkiss remake. Enclavekiller- Implementation, Writing, the readme you're reading right now. Thank you Discord people who helped with finishing this and putting up with my crap. Cleaned with TES3CMD and Enchanted Editor