This is a recreation of part of the Skyrim Sneak Tools mod ( in Morrowind. When activating an NPC while sneaking, you are given the option to launch a sneak attack instead of pickpocketing. You can only do sneak attacks from behind - attempting to do them when in front of the enemy will trigger a normal pickpocket. The types of attacks available depend on your weapon. Unarmed or Blunt weapons: - Knock out - if successful: drains the NPC's fatique to 0. Bladed weapons: - Slit throat - if successful: instant kill. - Back stab - if successful: instant kill The chance of success is increased by your Agility and Luck skills, and decreased by the armor the NPC is wearing in the slot you are attacking. For knock-out and throat slit attacks, the odds are based on the NPC's helm. For backstab, it depends on their cuirass. Armor effects: - Unarmored: +10% chance of success - Light armor: Chance of success unmodified - Medium armor: -10% chance of success - Heavy armor: -20% chance of success Your weapon skills do not affect the chance of success. To balance the extremely high impact of the sneak attacks - you do not get any skill gains from them (though in the process of getting in place to launch the attack you may gain some sneak points). If the NPC detects you, or your attack fails, the NPC will immediately attack you, and their disposition is set to zero. A failed attack will also result in a bounty commensurate with the type of attack you launched: - Knock out: Assault bounty of 40 gold - Backstab or Slit throat: Murder bounty of 1000 gold Requirements: This mod requires both Tribunal and Bloodmoon (it uses scripting functions from both). Compatibility: The mod includes compatibility patches for Morrowind Rebirth and Tamriel-Rebuilt. There is also a tes3cmd script you can use to produce your own compatibility patches for other mods. I am not aware of any conflicts, but you must load the patches after the mods they are patching. The patch merely adds a script to NPCs which do not have a script attached to enable the Sneak Tools features on them. OpenMW Installation: - Extract the archive somewhere - Add the path to your openmw.cfg data= section - Enable sneaktools.omwaddon - Enable sneaktools_bethesda.omwaddon - Enable compatiblity patches you need Vanilla Morrowind: It is possible that this mod will work if you put the .omwaddon files in your Morrowind data directory and rename them to .esp files. I have not not tested this and cannot vouch for it. Credits: Special thanks to Greatness7 for the script without which this mod would have taken a lot longer to develop. FAQ: - Why do some NPCs not offer the Sneak Tools menu? The mod works by attaching a script to NPCs which detects pickpocketing and intercepts that state with it's own menu (from which you can proceed to normal pickpocketing). Morrowind NPCs can only have one script attached. Therefore, to prevent breaking the game (or other mods) the patches *only* affect NPCs which are not already scripted. That however, is the vast majority of the NPCs you'll encounter. - How does this mod affect performance ? The mod adds a script to tends of thousands of NPCs, if there are a very large number of NPCs in the current cell you may see a slight framerate drop as the script is executed (but doing nothing) for all of them on each frame. I haven't seen a measurable decline myself but if you have a slower PC it is a risk. - Why do you not give guaranteed success like the Skyrim mod that inspired this ? I thought about it but I felt that would not be Morrowindy enough. In Morrowind success is never guaranteed. The mod gives you a very good chance of success and the higher your stats are the more likely you are to succeed - but it is always a non-zero chance, there's always a little risk of things going wrong. However if you have high Agility, Sneak and Luck scores the risk is extremely low.