Name: Compiled Bug Fixes Version: 1.0 Date: January 27, 2017 Integrator: IrishBrigid Requirements: Tribunal and Bloodmoon -------------------------------------------------- Summary: In an effort to save space in my plugin list, I decided to combine several bug fixes that I find useful. Then I thought, why not distribute it and maybe save some people a little hassle? So here you go. Not all of the bug fixes I use, since some have optional plugins others may find more useful than I do, but a good start. -------------------------------------------------- Installation: Just dump in Data Files or install through NMM. -------------------------------------------------- Mods included: Colony Spriggan Fix - Makes the East Empire Company quest involving spriggans in the colony finishable regardless of what order you kill them in. Improved Followers - Makes escort quests much less annoying. Guar Followers Fix - Improves on Improved Followers in regards to guars. Her Tamed Lightning - A little fix to a possible reward during the Tribunal main quest. Idle Animations Fix - Solves the problem of stationary NPCs drifting north. Illy's Solsteim Rumour Fix - So everyone and his uncle doesn't have a son who's been sent to Solsteim. Intervention Improved - Adds missing temple and shrine markers. The one I'm using is the 'NoScript - Ghostgate' version as that seems to have the best functionality without the annoying graphic stutter. -------------------------------------------------- Compatibility: I don't know of any, but I suppose there would be problems if you've got mods that do the same thing or similar. -------------------------------------------------- Version history: 1.0 - First release. -------------------------------------------------- Credits: Rochndil over at Bay 12 Forums for the readme layout, who in turn 'shamelessly' stole the ideas from some unspecified Morrowind mod readme layout. Falnor for Colony Spriggan Fix. Greatness7 for Idle Animation Fix. Lurlock for Improved Followers and TheOne&Only for Guar Followers Fix. Mytch for Her Tamed Lightning. Illuminiel for Illy's Solstheim Rumour Fix. hollaajith for Intervention Improved. I've included all the original readmes. -------------------------------------------------- Permissions: None of the content is actually mine. Most of it is also pretty old while the rest are free to use with credit to the authors. Note that Idle Animation Fix is planned to be part of the new release of the Unofficial Morrowind Patch whenever that gets done. -------------------------------------------------- Creator contact info: