Cliff Racers By Danae Version: 1.1 ========= Contents ========= 1. Requirements 2. Description 3. Permissions 4. Installation 5. Incompatibilities 6. Known Issues or Bugs 7. Changelog 8. Credits ============= Requirements ============= Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon ============ Description ============ This mod adds new Cliff Racers to the game. NOT MORE, just different types. Why oh why would anyone do that, you ask. Here's the loadown: - there are 3 types of cliff racers now, they look different and fight differently (some are fast, some are tough, some have an ability that they may use once only) - they have loot: meat (NOM, MC and TR) and feathers (of various quality) of course, but also arrows and daggers that have an enchantment based on the racer you've just killed. - the new cliff racers go from level 3 to 50 but you still have a slight chance to meet a racer much weaker than you, or much stronger. MOST IMPORTANTLY: - killing enough racers of each type (10-20) will either remove the racer from the leveled list or replace them with a cautious cliff racer that won't attack you. That's about it :) ============ Permissions ============ Need permission to modify my mod ============= Installation ============= Unzip in your Data Files. If you have TR, NOM and or MC, you will be prompted to overwrite the icon, mesh and textures of the racer meat. It is safe to do so, but not necessary either. Activate in your favourite mod manager Merge levelled lists and objects ================== Incompatibilities ================== This mod modifies the levelled list so be sure to merge them using your favourite tool (Wrye Mash, tes3cmd, TESTool...) The vanilla cliffracers have been given extra loot but haven't been modified. Conflits with mods that pacify / delete / kills cliff racers. ===================== Known Issues or Bugs ===================== None yet! ========== Changelog ========== 0.9 initial release 1.0 Auto-calc spell cost fixed and corprus spell removed (Thank you Stuporstar!) 1.0a Fixed beast sound on diseased racers 1.1 tweaked script (Thank you Merlord!) added a document to keep track of the cliff racers that have been killed removed meat from diseased cliff racers 1.2 Reduce drop chance of talons Removed light effect (ME compatibility) ======== Credits ======== Textures for the new cliff racers: - Expanded cliff racers by MP*Canus - Zul's Classical Monsters Replacer by Zuldazug For the basic script idea: - CliffRacersExtinction by Jaxalot For the basic cliff racer counter: For the dagger model: -Peridot Dagger by A.Zunder Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for developing Morrowind and the Construction Set. Thanks to Brucoms for developing the TES3 Readme Generator this readme was made from.