Readme for Hemitheon's Arynx Castle changes /abot Added a teleport ring and a small quest to get info about the castle and learn that you need to pay for it. Made compatible with TR_Mainland real time boat routes. Uses a copy of original Beth sky_clouds_01 for better compatibility with other mesh replacers. Use only proper .esp for your installed TR version Ver 1.0 This mod requires Tamriel Rebuilt's TR_Data.esm TR_Map1.esm TR_Map2.esm Thanks: -------------------------------------------- Special thanks to the following without whom Arynx Castle would not exist: Dongle for the excellent musical instrument pack v1.1 Despair for the essential alchemical ingredient pots GhostNull for the kewl imperial castle meshes Subatomic Labs for their super awesome Dwemer orrery _aediin_ for the beautiful marble/gold statues All the new stuff added to this mod has the prefix _hemi or _hem. I didn't want this mod to interfere with others. That's why I made them all unique to this mod. Story: --------------------------------------------- General Kontin Arynx died during the reign of Kintyra II while he defended Morrowind's east coast from Uriel III in 3E 121. To bridge the gap of a revealed internal Imperial instability, Uriel IV had a palace built on the southernmost isle in the Telvannis District in honor of Arynx's sacrifice. Today, the palace that is Arnyx Castle sits unused, having been given at first to Queen Barenziah, then to Duchess Jandacia and Governor Flavius to escape the bureaucracy of Imperial rule. Location: --------------------------------------------- Directly east of Hla Bulor and just northeast of Edhryn Farothran's Lighthouse looms the enormous estate. There are no NPCS within or without the house [I prefer my house mods to be empty]. If you want to add something or change something feel free. Consider the house a resource. Just as long as you don't butcher it. Sincerely, Hemitheon TR modder