I'm not an author of this mod, I've only made an polish translation of it! Nie jestem twórcą tej modyfikacji, odpowiadam jedynie za jej spolszczenie! Mod umożliwia podróż łazikiem w czasie rzeczywistym, dodaje także łaziki dzikie, które można spotkać podczas podróży. Serdeczne podziękowania dla Abot za stworzenie świetnej modyfikacji. Many thanks to Abot for great mod. Iguar TO JEST TYLKO SPOLSZCZENIE, DO DZIAŁANIA POTRZEBNY JEST ORYGINALNY MOD Silt Striders (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42267/?); ZAZNACZAMY O0CZYWIŚCIE TYLKO POLSKI PLIK .esp Oryginalne readme: The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Silt Striders VERSION HISTORY: 1.2 - more caravaner comments galore (big thanks to Athirena!) - better compatibility with Vivec Expansion and Morrowind Rebirth - re-added missing Data Files\Meshes\e\magic_hit_Levitate.nif to the archive - fixed a bug in triptime calculation in abotSiltStriders.esp - some code and meshes optimization - changed fMaxHeadTrackDistance value 1.1 - added Tamriel Rebuilt silt striders - moved some waypoints for better compatibility - fixed scenic strider spawning in Gnisis - removed %PCRank references in dialog - tweaked strider meshes, added strider passenger, blinking eyes - changed/added caravaner comments - added health regeneration during travel 1.0/beta - first release USAGE: abotSiltStriders.esp: Tribunal or Bloodmoon scripting engine required Tribunal and/or Bloodmoon.esm loading not required abotSiltStridersTR.esp: Tribunal,esm, Bloodmoon.esm, TR_Data.esm, TR_Mao1.esm, TR_Map2.esm loading required IF YOU HAVE TAMRIEL REBUILT INSTALLED, LOAD ONLY abotSiltStridersTR.esp, ELSE LOAD abotSiltStriders.esp INFO: I wanted to travel Morrowind on top of a real Silt Strider so strongly, and after years waiting for some similar mod to be completed, I decided to try myself. To avoid the need of thousands of waypoints for the routes, I used geometry and positioning instead of AI, and creature collision to detect and go past minor obstacles/slopes, disabling collision only when needed. To enjoy the scenic trips use the caravaner "- scenic travel" dialog topic. To dismount from the strider or reach destination immediately activate the strider while riding. From the same menu you can also configure the mod. To fully enjoy the mod as intended, you should have last MGE/MGE XE distant land, some MGE macro keys set to move the 3rd person view camera, and last MCP (Morrowind Code Patch) Vanity camera lock option checked. This will allow you to pan the camera and enjoy a more stable and much more scenic experience during silt striders trips. Oh, and your preferred tree replacers/landscape enhancers of course! As usual, I tried to be as compatible as possible, so routes are not so straight but landscape/trees are nearly unchanged (except some landscape under a boulder on top of a mountain, I think that spot should not conflict with anything). KNOWN GLITCHES: A noticeable stuttering in 1st person view when riding at great speed over rocky terrain. When enabling back collision there is a 1 frame stutter due to player being warped on the ground by the engine for one frame, no matter what magic effect/scripting command is used. I have found no remedy for this engine quirk so far. To avoid hostile attacks when travelling, player by default is set invisible by script (a ...invisible invisibility effect). Don't use a constant invisibility item while riding, you don't need it and probably you will have to wait the end of the trip before the invisibility transparency of your spell is reset unequipping the enchanted item. Care has been taken trying to be compatible with other mods, but being so many mods around obviously this can not be guaranteed. COMPATIBILITY NOTES - Living Cities of Vvardenfell (NPC LCV Schedules 03.esp) There is probably a typo in the scheduling of the Khuul caravaner Seldus Nerendus that makes him disappear for half a day. If you are able to edit and compile scripts, you can fix this replacing "seldus nerendus"->positionCell -65939 13552 975 4218 "Khuul" in the script SC_Khuul_1 with "seldus nerendus"->positionCell -65939 135552 975 4218 "Khuul" and replacing "seldus nerendus"->positionCell -65939 13552 975 4218 "Khuul" "seldus nerendus"->aiTravel -65939 13552 975 with "seldus nerendus"->positionCell -65939 135552 975 4218 "Khuul" "seldus nerendus"->aiTravel -65939 135552 975 in the script SC_Khuul_2. If you are not familiar with TESCS, you can use ab01NPCLCVSchedulesFix.esp, load it after NPC LCV Schedules 03.esp. Some of Vurt's BC trees have low leaves with collision still enabled, which can cause stuttering when colliding with the strider. Hopefully this will be fixed in next BC trees releases. I changed the waypoints near Gnisis strider port to avoid colliding with the imperial bridge added by Morrowind Rebirth mod. There are still problems with a tree placed right in front of Balmora strider port and a scenic rock arc over the Odai river. TECH NOTES: speed change selected using the configuration menu is effective when next waypoint with different scheduled speed is reached. TESTING ONLY: set ab01debug to 25 will enable some debugging messages. CREDITS I started working on this for myself, inspired by a mod on development by Fliggerty for the last 4 years, because I really wanted real, scenic striders so badly. I have offered my help/work in this mod to try and finish that mod in a faster way, but after a while I decided to keep on my own, I think I am using a different approach to routing (setpos instead of AI). This mod is a tribute to everyone contributing to MGE, MGE XE, MCP, to scenery/trees modders, to Tamriel Rebuilt team for giving us more and better world to stride. The great original Silt Strider animation is by Lingarn, I have NIFskoped it a lot to suit mod needs. http://www.mediafire.com/file/6546hje6e7q658a/ID3266-2-20-Silt+Striders+ v1.0-20040322.zip The caravaner's plastic pose is from Phaedrus' slaughterfish hunters http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7579 , his head and hair are from Better Heads (head retexture by Petethegoat) http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8912 his loincloth is by Dereko from Better Clothes, shirt also is from from Better Clothes http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8737 see through helmet is original in game mesh tweaked by Deamon2000/Hollow_Fang in Helms Of Sight 2.0 http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6933 One passenger lady is a reworked sitting lady by Lady Eternity from Dragons Breech resources, with a head retexture by Emma based on a mesh by Rhedd and Allerleirauh hair by Ren, book retexture from Better Books by William The Taffer. http://modhistory.fliggerty.com/index.php?dlid=3896 http://lovkullen.net/Emma/faces.htm http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=4187 http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=2332 The other lady is from Lidicus'URM creatures (seducer) dressed with Korana's flemish dress from Clothiers of VVardenfell http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7400 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27167 Other cargo items and levitation magic effect are reworked standard game meshes. Some caravaner's comments come from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:Tamriel_Rebuilt and some from Beth Forums users (thanks Athirena and Dragon32). I moved levitation magic effect down so it should usually be not visible when riding. If for any reason you want to restore the original effect, you can delete the Data Files\Meshes\e\magic_hit_Levitate.nif If you want to get rid of the effect completely (that is, have a always invisible levitation effect), rename the Data Files\Meshes\e\magic_hit_Levitate_inv.nif to Data Files\Meshes\e\magic_hit_Levitate.nif As usual, feel free to use anything done by me, just give credit when credit is due and be sure to be compatible with this mod (that usually means: always use different ids, not super-easy but if you are a modder capable to tackle with the code you should know how to do it). Be prepared though, the real hard work is creating the routes! Anyway, I really love this mod, maybe you'll like it too. -abot abitoftaste@gmail.com abot.silgrad.com