R-Zero's Throbbing Meat by R-Zero Version: 1.0 ########################### Changelog: v1.0 -Initial release. ########################### Installation: 1. Open the .zip and let the contents of this package slide right inside your Morrowind folder. ########################### Requirements: Morrowind Bloodmoon ########################### Description: Replaces the models of Corprusmeat (ingred_6th_corprusmeat_01 to 07) with more detailed, animated ones. The idea behind this mod is that the pieces of meat actually stay "alive" even after being cut off from the main body, and continue to grow - that's why you can find corprus meat pieces of different sizes. As they grow, the meat pieces also "mutate", growing off pseudo-organs like hair, teeth and eyes. ########################### To-Do: I also plan to add a squirming sound effect to the meat lying around in the world - if you know of a suitable sound effect, please let me know. ########################### Credits: Rope texture - Pherim ########################### Permissions: All content made by me is free to use. For permission info on assets listed in the Credits section, please contact the respective authors instead. ########################### Special thanks: Greatness7, for enabling me to do all this in the first place.