Name: Fargoth Companion Version: 1.0 Date: May 1, 2018 Creator/Integrator: ThatDwemerGuy Requirements: Tribunal, Bloodmoon. -------------------------------------------------- Summary: This mod gives you the option to take Fargoth as a companion after you give him his ring back. -------------------------------------------------- Installation: Put the .esp in your 'Data Files' folder (duh) -------------------------------------------------- Compatibility: If a mod edits Fargoth, it's probably incompatible. -------------------------------------------------- Notes/Bugs: When levitating, Fargoth will bounce a little. Don't do the quest where you take Fargoth's gold unless you do it before he's your companion. -------------------------------------------------- Credits: Bethesda (obvious reasons) Greatness7 - Companion Script Fargoth's parents - Making us a sweet baby child -------------------------------------------------- Creator contact info: Message ThatDwemerGuy (Nexus)