[]**********************************************[] || || || Samarys Ancestral Tomb Expanded || || || []**********************************************[] A mod by PikachunoTM Part of the May Modathon 2018! []***********************[] || Description || []***********************[] Expands Samarys Ancestral Tomb (home of the Mentor's Ring) to become a higher-level dungeon (level 5 recommended, no legitimate enforcements on level, so technically completeable at any level) with more monsters, more story, and an unmarked quest to help uncover the secret of Samarys (though, I suppose it's already a bit spoiled). []************************[] || Requirements || []************************[] Just Morrowind. []*************************[] || Compatibility || []*************************[] Has been confirmed to work with MCA. Should relatively keep everything in the same place, so there should only be issues with mods that significantly alter the Samarys interior. Meanwhile, I'll be working on a "Compatibility" version that basically moves all the edits to another cell with minimal editing to the original Samarys, however that won't be until after May Modathon. Current known conflicts: -Greater Samarys []******************************[] || Permissions/Other || []******************************[] Part of the May Modathon 2018. Feel free to redistribute/edit however you wish, but please provide credit where credit is due. []**********************[] || Changelog || []**********************[] v1.1 2 May, 2018 -Swapped the locations of the two scrolls (should be less backtracking if you want to use one of them) -Made a bone more visible -Nerfed Lord Brinne's Amulet, now acts more like the Engraved Ring of Healing for Magicka v1.1.1 23 May, 2018 -Fixed a minor incompatibility with On The Rocks! -Minor environmental enhancements v1.1.2 23 January, 2019 -Fixed Lord Brinne's Enchantment (now should function as intended). v1.2 25 January, 2019 LOOT Update! -Lord Brinne's Amulet now has an enchantment matching the Engraved Ring of Healing (20 cap, 5 enchant per use) -Environmental improvements and detail. -More loot, and more places to find it! v1.2.1 30 January, 2019 -Removed Samarys Helmet (was supposed to have an armor value of 5, not 50 -- I figured there was already enough loot for beginners, so I removed it) -Fixed the over-sized urns (I didn't realize how unnecessarily large some of them were) -Minor positional fixes for the lights. []**********************[] || Walkthrough || []**********************[] ***SPOILERS*** The locations for each of the bones is: ONE - On the altar's prayer stool, through the right entrance on the top level. If you miss it, there should be a convenient little scroll somewhere to help you out without needing to backtrack. TWO - On the body of Pikat Chunom, don't forget to grab the key sitting on the altar! THREE - Next to the lantern on the altar in the center of the bottom room FOUR - On the altar next to the boss door. FIVE - On the corpse of Lord Brinne himself! Don't forget to retrieve his unique axe!