Sotha Sil Expanded Retracted 1.0 by mort This is a patch for Sotha Sil Expanded that removes some puzzles and rooms I found overly frustrating. I don't personally think this dilutes the experience, its the readers digest version of SSE and gets you to the city much faster. Changes: -removes three cells that are hell to get through. all of them are before the city itself. two of them are infamously painful imo -expands the invisible walkways in some puzzles. There are two invisible walkway puzzles and they often require you to make sharp right angle turns or else start the puzzle again. I'm bad so they're widened to make it less likely you console tcl to the end -there's a room with a barrier puzzle but if you use 'mountainous red mountain' its impossible to get through because it changes the ghostfence meshes to be massive. that puzzle also wasn't fun to me so I took that out. -the doors in the SSE city make this awful sound when you open them, and it lasts 4-5 seconds. You hear that constantly. I changed it to a short metal door sound How to install: Install SSE + 2.2 patch replace SSE esp with the one here Special thanks to: the SSE team, SSE is great Permissions: don't redistribute this without telling me, trainwiz was nice enough to let me do this