This mod gives the gondolier helm to various NPCs throughout Vvardenfell. I was very conservative when deciding who got one. There are about 30-ish NPCs who now wear the gondolier helm in addition to the gondoliers in Vivec. The name of the helm has been changed to "Conical Hat". The NPCs who I gave the gondolier helm to are: 1: All silt strider/boat travel service NPCs (but only if they are Dunmer). 2: Most of the farmers/commoners around the Ascadian Isles region around Vivec (but no slaves/wealthy people). 3:A very small handfull of Dunmer living in poor areas around southwestern Vvaedenfell. This mod makes the NPC's equip the helm with a simple script assigned to each NPC. INSTALLATION ONLY USE ONE OF THE ESP FILES! One of the esp files changes the helm into light armor, the other leaves it as medium armor. It should be obvious which one is which.