--------------------------- Provincial Music by Texafornian v20.04.19 Many thanks to: - NullCascade for MWSE v2 and checking region via loaddoor - Rytelier for inspiration from his MWSE music mod - Merlord for info on Morrowind music formats --------------------------- Requirements: - Morrowind Code Patch - Morrowind Script Extender v2 (MWSE-LUA) Suggest changes on GitHub: https://github.com/Texafornian/ProvincialMusic Features: - Quickly create province-specific "battle" and "explore" soundtracks for Tamriel Rebuilt (Mainland Morrowind) and Project Tamriel's province mods (Cyrodiil and Skyrim) by dragging and dropping music into folders. - Plays province-specific songs immediately upon changing province, regardless of interior/exterior cell. - If you leave a folder empty, the game will instead play the vanilla soundtrack. - Create soundtracks for other mods with a few, easy steps. Installation: - Extract the included "Music" and "MWSE" folders to your "Morrowind/Data Files" folder. - Drop any number of mp3s into the new "Data Files/Music/cyrodiil/...", "Data Files/Music/morrowind/...", and "Data Files/Music/skyrim/..." battle and explore folders. - Run Morrowind. Custom Soundtracks: - Create a folder within Morrowind/Data Files/Music that contains "battle" and "explore" folders. - Place your compatible mp3s in the new "battle" and "explore" folders. - Open "config.lua". - Add path entries for your new folders to "this.paths" which follow the existing entries' style. - Add region entries for your new mod to "this.regions" which follow the existing entries' style. - Run Morrowind. FAQs: - "My game crashes when I change cells and there's no error output in MWSElog.txt" Mp3s must be constant bit rate (128 kb/s works) and 44.1 kHz. If your game crashes, then the Mp3s need to be converted. Audacity conversion guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1286368766 Wavosaur 1.4: 1) Download LAME Mp3 encoder and put it in your Wavosaur folder. 2) Open Wavosaur 1.4, choose Tools->Batch Process. 3) Select your music folder, click "Convert to 44100 kHz", then "Start". 4) Batch convert the output Wavs back to 128 kb/s Mp3s. - "Can you include music with the mod?" No, but I recommend that you check these out: - TR Official Soundtrack: https://askii.bandcamp.com/album/tamriel-rebuilt-original-mod-soundtrack - Resdayn Suite: https://leonvanderstadt.bandcamp.com/album/resdayn-suite - ASKII's work: https://www.youtube.com/user/AsciiDigital - Rytelier's work: (https://soundcloud.com/rytelier/ - TES IV's OST (iTunes, Amazon, etc.) - TES V's OST (iTunes, Amazon, etc.) Changelog: v20.04.19 - Much better combat music logic - Fixed a possible error in region checking v20.03.30 - Modified "in combat" check. It's not perfect, but it's better - Clarified debug level config option - Renamed some functions v20.03.28 - De-hardcoded the checking functions. Users can now create new folders and add entries for them in config.lua. - More optimizations v20.03.27: - Added option for unique Solstheim soundtrack (will play vanilla if folders left empty) - Music should now switch correctly if teleporting away from a fight - More optimizations - Fixed Solstheim region names in config.lua - Changed default Solstheim region assignments from "Vanilla" to "Solstheim" - Changed default "Mournhold Region" assignment from "Vanilla" to "Morrowind" - Folder paths are now stored in config.lua (I don't recommend editing) v20.03.26: - Moved regions table to separate config.lua file. - Added "debug level" option to config.lua to suppress spammy mwse.log output. - Optimized the region check. - Possibly optimized main.lua's functions. - Fixed edge case when there's only one mp3 in a music folder. v19.02: - Fixed typo that was breaking Cyrodiil functionality