Cantrips By Danae Version: 1.1 ========= Contents ========= 1. Requirements 2. Description 3. Permissions 4. Installation 5. Removal 6. Incompatibilities 7. Changelog 8. Contact 9. Credits ============= Requirements ============= Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon ============ Description ============ Cantrips are simple spells that the least magic-inapt can cast at the cost of extra-magicka (four times as much) Those spells never fails and can only be learnt if your magic skills are low enough. (15 or less) Cantrips are learnt by reading scrolls occasionnally founds where books and scolls are found/bought, including Enchanters To sum up > Cantrips never fails but cost a lot more magicka, proficient casters will NEVER be caught casting cantrips Cantrip details: - Acid splash, 5-15 poison dmg on target, 30 magicka - Blade ward, 5 pts resist normal weapons for 10 sec, 40 magicka - Close, 10pts, 8 magicka - Cure Minor Wounds, 5pts restore health on self and touch, 10 magicka - Dancing Lights, light 15 pts for 40 sec, 20 magicka - Daze, 30 pts calm humanoid/creature on touch for 5 second, 50 magicka - Detect magic, 15 pts for 20 sec, 45 magicka - Disrupt undead, 5-30 fire dmg, turn undead 100 pts for 10 sec, 45 magicka - Friends, charm 5-10 for 5 sec, 30 magicka - Inflict Minor Wounds, 5-10 damage health on touch, 20 magicka - Lullaby, sound 5pts, blind 5 pts, drain fatigue 5-10 pn target for 10 sec, 75 magicka - Mage Hand, telekinesis 15 pts for 30 sec, 75 pts - Open, 10-25pts, 20 magicka - Ray of Frost, 5-15 frost dmg on target, 20 magicka > The idea is to have spells that will help a warrior or thief in a bind without making those spells a reliable source of magic as they can only cast a few at besat before their magicka is depleted. ============ Permissions ============ Modify my mod without credits or permission BUT do let me know. ============= Installation ============= Drop cantrip.esp and BookArt in your data files or use you favourite mod installer Merge your levelled lists ======== Removal ======== Delete cantrip.esp in your data files Delete,,,, and from the BookArt folder Re-merge your levelled lists ================== Incompatibilities ================== None I can think of as long as you merge your levelled lists ========== Changelog ========== 1.0 Original release 1.1 Enchanters now sell some cantrips Cantrips have a new models ======== Contact ======== Danae on discord or Danae123 on the Nexus ======== Credits ======== D&D for cantrip inspiration for the magic circle art (modified) Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for developing Morrowind and the Construction Set. Thanks to Brucoms for developing the TES3 Readme Generator this readme was made from.