HD Forge v1.1 by Pherim Description =========== Improved Meshes and Textures for the forge, bellows, spearholder and anvil for a more modern orrowind experience. Meshes are detailed and smoothed, but retain the vanilla measurements. Textures are remade specifically for these meshes, and most are given unique names and paths so they don't conflict with vanilla textures that are used on other meshes as well. Changes and improvements in detail: - Anvil has rounded edges with custom vertex colors, remade uv map, new HD texture with unique path - Improved Spearholder mesh with completely new HD texture, now only uses one texture instead of two, with a unique file path - Forge has been smoothed and uvs were remade, custom vertex colors. New brick texture for interior surface with unique path (the vanilla firebrick texture is only used in this mesh and in an unused fireplace, but the uv mapping in this mesh is completely different so I decided to play it safe), new ash texture (replacer). Make sure you have no other Tx_ash_firepit texture installed to keep the transition with bricks intact, as they have ash at the bottom. There is an optional texture for firepits with glowing ash (Tx_ash_firepit_01) that is not used by the meshes in this mod, but can be installed for visual consistency. No texture for outer surface included, the tx_wall_adobe_brown_01 from your installation will be used. I recommend Tyddy's Vivec and Velothi - Arkitektora Vol.2 (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46266). An optimized forge mesh for MGE XE distant land can optionally be installed. It has much fewer polygons than the original and only consists of a single NiTriShape instead of three. You must generate Distant Statics with a minimum static size of 150 or less for it to appear in the game. - Bellows has been smoothed and partially remade, with additional details. New atlased HD texture for wood and cloth. Metal/Pipes texture not included, will use the tx_metal_pewter_04 from your installation. I recommend qwertyquit's Pewter Retexture (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45972). New, simple collision mesh added, the vanilla model didn't have one. There are two optional animated versions of the bellows, one with sound and one without. The version without sound is a pluginless replacer and can simply be installed on top of the main mod, no extra steps are required. The version with sound comes with a plugin, because only activators can play sounds, so the plugin adds the activator and the sounds themselves to the game and changes all bellows statics in the main game and Tribunal to activators. This plugin is incompatible with all other mods that edit these instances, but the worst thing that can happen is probably that they end up in the wrong place, if a mod changes their position. Also, bellows added by other mods are not affected (they are still animated, though). If you encounter a mod that is incompatible please post a comment on this mod's Nexus page, so I can make a patch, if possible. There is also a version of Animated Bellows with Sound for the German Version of Morrowind. Install only the version for your language, all files are included in both folders. Installation ============ Installation with Wrye Mash is recommended, Mod Organizer is also possible. Cannot be installed with Nexus Mod Manager/Vortex at this time. Uninstallation: =============== Can be uninstalled with Wrye Mash or Mod Organizer if used for installation, or manually by deleting all its files. As a pluginless replacer, it doesn't affect save games in any way. Uninstalling the optional plugin for animated bellows with sound should not cause any problems. Changelog: ========== v1.1: Removed messagebox when looking at bellows, so it doesn't look like they are useable v1.2: Added optimized Distant Land mesh for the forge. Distant statics must be generated with minimum static size of 150 or lower for it to be visible. Credits ======= Thanks to Greatness7 for getting me on the right track for making the animated bellows with sound. Bellows Sound (edited): https://freesound.org/people/Benboncan/sounds/64380/