Idle Talk 0.71 Author: Von Djangos Adds over 200 new voice entries for NPCs, mostly using edited original voice files. These are split across greetings and idles. Greetings: Rival Houses: Members of rival houses will now recognise your rival allegiance. Hlaalu will call Redoran stiff and stuffy, while Redoran will call Hlaalu fickly and untrustworthy. Your rank in a house will be noted, and rival houses will respond with greater respect as you climb in rank. Some Houses *cough Telvanni cough* slower than others. Faction Leader Respect: Guards and members of your own House will respond differently if you are master of that house and have over 50 disposition with them. Legion and Re-Legion: The Legion, Imperial Cult and The Temple all have some unique greetings - even if you are not one of them. The Legion may praise the Emperor, while the Imperial Cult and Temple will invoke their Gods or religious sayings. Idles: Many more voice idles are added to male Dunmer. Lots of these are simply the Tribunal idles, which other mods have already added. However, there are many original idles added, some of them split across factions. The Camonna Tong may curse the emporer, while House Hlaalu will mutter of ore and profit. There are also idles added to speak about the Blight while the MQ is active. These are updated to speak about the Neravarine when the MQ is complete and the blight is cleared. Changelog: 0.71 - removed all [MOD-INF] references, making the mod cleaner. 0.7 - Added Caius greetings, Imperial & Nord male legion greetings, Imperial male and female Imperial Cult greetings, Dunmer male and female Temple greetings 0.63 - all 4 main quest-givers of House Hlaalu have unique greetings 0.62 - added 13 female Redoran guard voice lines, filtered by disposition and if you are Archmaster of Redoran. Upped Redoran Female Guard Hello chance from 0 to 30. 0.61 - added missing sounds from 0.6 0.6 - Added positive rival house responses, added grandmaster/archmaster/archmagister responses from your own house, guard responses from your own house 0.5 - Original release Roadmap: 0.8 - Add female Dunmer and Imperial male and female idles 0.9 - Add female Dunmer negative house responses, and grandmaster/archmaster/archmagister responses from your own house 1.0 - Add original Tribunal faction greetings intelligently into Vvardenfell. Add Nerevar voice greetings/idles to non-Dunmer races. Cleaned with tesame.