Infected Wounds -README by RamblingMonk ver. 0-9 -May 12, 2020 (Original release -Does not include vampire or werewolf diseases as possible infections in mod) ver. 1-0 -May 13, 2020 (Full Version, original release -includes chance of werewolf or vampire infections at extremely low health) -First off, Thank you for trying my mod. I hope that you enjoy it. Please feel free to provide feedback on this mod page on Nexus. I have only created a few mods so far and knowing how they are received/what people enjoy helps me decide how to improve this and any future mods I create. Mission Statement: To create a mod that can add some more realism and/or challenge to a playthrough by adding the possibility that if severe wounds are allowed to fester too long they can become infected making the character sick. What this mod does: If the player has severe wounds (more than half of their total health missing) this mod adds a chance that the player will develop an infection (a common disease). The less fatigue the player has, the weaker their immune system is in trying to prevent infections. Likewise, the more serious the wounds (the lower the HP), the more likely it is for those wounds to become infected. from a technical standpoint, this mod adds a script that rolls to see if a character that is wounded becomes infected with a (common) disease. The player should not have to worry about their wounds being serious enough to get infected at high enough health (50% or higher as of this mod's official release). As the player's current health drops, the odds that they contract a disease increases. In addition, the lower the player's fatigue becomes, the more often this script rolls to check if they become infected to simulate a stressed immune system unable to respond as effectively as a well rested one. Installation: 1) Unzip folder and install the .esp file into the Morrowind > Data Files folder. 2) Check the appropriately named box for this plugin in the "Data Files" menu of the Morrowind Launcher to activate the mod. Start Morrowind, play and enjoy. Please note that there are separate versions of this mod: Version 0-9 is the basic one that does NOT include any possibility of contracting the common diseases that cause Vampirism and Lyncanthropy for those that prefer to maintain the vanilla game's original coding that only allows those diseases to be caught from direct contact with one already infected with them. Version 1-0 is the full release version of this mod that DOES include (a small) chance of vampirism and lycanthropy when the player's wounds are exceptionally dire (only the most serious of wounds can possibly lead to these diseases with this mod). Note that this should respect the vanilla game's treatment of vampires and werewolves so if you could not become one in the unmodded game, you shouldn't be able to with this mod running either (that also means you should not be able to contract both at the same time unless another mod allows it). -Please select only one of the "Infected Wounds" mod's .esp files at a time as they may conflict with eachother if both active at the same time. Requirements: Morrowind base game +Bloodmoon expansion +Tribunal expansion No additional plugins should be required beyond the base game and its expansions if you want to use this mod. Conflicts/Issues: -PLEASE REPORT ANY CONFLICTS, BUGS OR ISSUES ON THE NEXUS PAGE FOR THIS MOD SO THAT THEY CAN BE LOOKED INTO. Thank you! -No known issues at the time of writing this. Since this mod only adds a single script to the gameplay experience, it shouldn't be much (if any) risk of conflicting with anything. -As far as I am aware this mod should not cause issues if installed mid-playthrough (But *ALWAYS* backup your saves first. I built it and installed it mid-playthrough myself and have not seen any adverse effects. While I do not anticipate this mod causing any issues, I claim no responsibility for any broken save files this mod may cause). -This mod was cleaned using Morrowind Enchanted Editor v0.91. To un-install: simply uncheck the box for this plugin in the Morrowind Launcher to play without this mod enabled or, to remove the mod completely, simply remove the .esp for this mod (and only that .esp) from your morrowind -> data files folder. Changelog: ver 0-8 > 0-9 : (Original restricted release) -Cleaned the script up some. Removed placeholders for eventual addition of werewolf and vampire checks that were not needed for this version (0-9) of the original release since it has no vampire or werewolf disease chance. ver 0-9 > 1-0 : (original full release) -Created the new branch of this mod that adds a small possibility of contracting the common diseases that cause Vampirism and Lycanthropy into the mod. These diseases are only intended to be options the mod considers when the player's health is exceptionally low (under 5% of total). Due to the particularly drastic changes being a werewolf can cause I tuned the chances of contracting that disease down particularly low (approximately 1/9 the chance of contracting one of the vampire bloodline diseases) Permissions: You are allowed to use/edit this mod for your own personal mods. You are welcome to use this mod as a basis for your own mod to be uploaded to a host site and shared so long as you credit me for my contribution with this mod. Please DO NOT upload this mod (or a modified version of my mod) for profit unless and until asking for, and gaining my explicit permission first. Thanks/credits: -Bethesda for creating Morrowind, and the Construction set to make this possible. -The creators of Morrowind Enchated Editor for their creation that made cleaning this mod possible. -All those behind the MWGE EX project. MWGE EX was the very first mod I tried after originally wanting to play through all of Morrowind unmodded and it opened my eyes to the added immersion a few basic changes can add to the game. Without this mod wowing me with how vastly it improved my gameplay experience I likely would have just left mods and modding alone. -Those behind the Morrowind May Modathon Month 2020 event that got my creative juices flowing while deciding what my next mod project should be. -This mod was released to be part of the Morrowind May Modathon 2020.