Rise of House Telvanni 2.0 by mort Version 2.0.5 This mod gives a much needed facelift to one of the greatest quest mods of all time - Rise of House Telvanni. Original Description: "This is a heavily expanded version of Pozzo's Rise of House Telvanni (RoHT). This mod adds quests for the Telvanni Archmagister, allowing him/her to gain more political power and strengthen House Telvanni." Changes: -The Mary-Sue (self-insert?) character has been cut down to an incredible degree. No more vivec face. No more famous ancestors. No more "finding the Oghma Infinium twice" -Her ancestor has had a similar treatment done. Quests involving both of them no longer reference each other as relatives. -The term Archmagistrix is terrible and was changed. -The character Zubudaiah is now named Delasa Rethosa. She isn't an Ashlander. -Removed bizarrely placed objects (like a dozen vivec heads from a portal gate, why) -Lots and lots of dialogue changes. The original authors would use semicolons; where you shouldn't have them. AND LOTS OF YELLING IN ALL CAPS -Reduced the amount of gold to give the Mages Guild folks, giving people 25k for the first quest is either really easy if youre a god or near impossible if you have economy fixes. -Script fixes, like there were certain books that were unreadable because they had OnActivate returns. Updates: v2.0.5 - Initial release Requirements: -Rise of House Telvanni (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/27545) Licence/Usage: MIT Licence