King Helseth's Vault By thvampman242 Version: 1.9 ========= Contents ========= 1. Requirements 2. Description 3. Permissions 4. Installation 5. Removal 6. Credits ============= Requirements ============= Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon Tamriel_Data ============ Description ============ Inspired by fond memeries of plundering the Vaults of the great houses and the great and simple mod The Great Treasury Heist of Tel Naga Tower by Dagoth Slayer. I thought that Morrowinf could use a few more high risk/high reward plunder sites. Now in King Helseth's Chambers is a trapped door that will lead to his private vault/panic room but don't think you can get by with just your lockpicks or magics you'll still need the key to open the door and once inside there is still guards to deal with, but there is also loot to win. I will admit that the level design is not there being that it's box but havn't touch a construction set in many years and I do plan on improving the layout in the future. There should be no problem or incompatibility since the keys are added via a script. The Mod has been cleaned with Tes3cmd. ============ Update ============ After nearly a week I come bearing an update. Maily becuase almost as soon as I uploaded the mod I thought of a thousand and one ways to improve it. And while still not a 100% happy I do think this is a much better version and while not explicet I do hope you like the little stories and refrences I made. Had to resist the urge to make a lot of easter eggs but still I hope you enjoy this new and improved version of Helseth's Vault. ============ Permissions ============ Modify my mod without credits or permission ============= Installation ============= Just drop in the esp into your data files. ======== Removal ======== Delete the esp. ======== Credits ======== Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for developing Morrowind and the Construction Set. Thanks to Brucoms for developing the TES3 Readme Generator this readme was made from.