Hello! Thank you for downloading my mod, I worked very hard on it and I hope you enjoy it. To begin your quest head to the southeast of Vivec city towards the small sliver of land sticking out from the ocean. Once there you should see a small manor where the quest begins. If you are having trouble finding it, Nerandi Manor is just down the road from Omani Manor and right next to Ansi or directly east from the Vivec, Temple district. The quest is fairly small but has some depth that may surprise you. Installation: Open the zip and drag all the contents inside to your Morrowind Data Files directory. Credits: Saint_Jiub and Pherim - for the ordinator armor base textures Remiros and Flash3113 - for intelligent textures Dark Elf Meshes by Rhedd, Darksharp, and Banic from Westlys pluginless replacer Psychodog Studios - for Better bodies Moranar - for better morrowind armor female meshes HangHimHigher - whose scripts and journal entries are immaculate and reasonably easy to understand, really helped me understand how the whole system works. eddie5 - help on door scripting, general mod problems Darknut - For allowing me to modify his daedric dagger texture for use in the mod And You - =) (Spoiler) Small troubleshooting section: 1. The monster got stuck somewhere I can't fight him. -- This may happen if your back is to a wall when the monster spawns and then gets stuck, you'll need to use the command TCL in the console (`) and whack him to start the fight. 2. I used save/load during a death animation or fight and now things are broken. -- Please don't use save/load during death animations or in the middle of fights due to some sensitive scripts being processed at the time it may cause errors to come up.