Redoran Patrols - Gnisis By Ashstaar Version: 1.1 ========= Contents ========= 1. Requirements 2. Description 3. Permissions 4. Installation 5. Removal 6. Incompatibilities 7. Known Issues or Bugs 8. Credits ============= Requirements ============= Morrowind ============ Description ============ Adds a couple Redoran Watchman to Gnisis. The armor can be found in the guard towers in Maar Gan and Ald-ruhn. Can be taken if you are an Oathman of House Redoran. Can also be purchased (minus the skirt) in Maar Gan Outpost. Update 1.1: Reworked helmet mesh. Placed a watchman in Maar Gan and one in Ald-ruhn. They are atop the watchtowers. ============ Permissions ============ You cannot modify my mod ============= Installation ============= Add files to proper locations ======== Removal ======== Undo above steps ================== Incompatibilities ================== Shouldn't be anything major ===================== Known Issues or Bugs ===================== I went big on the helm, so will clip with two handed weapons ======== Credits ======== Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for developing Morrowind and the Construction Set. Thanks to Brucoms for developing the TES3 Readme Generator this readme was made from.