# Cliff Racer Revenge A short quest I made for the spring modjam. This is my first mod so I had to learn a lot in order to make it work. The mod contains a simple quest to help a fellow Redoran Kinsman slay a cliff racer harrassing the Ashlands. Start the quest by talking to Seras Dralen inside the Redoran Council Hall, he stands near Neminda. ## Installation Copy the icons, meshes, and textures folders along with kmsSM2021.esp to the Morrowind\Data Files folder. ## Uninstallation Delete the files: Data Files\icons\n\tx_racer_plumes_ff.dds Data Files\meshes\n\ingred_racer_plumes_ff.nif Data Files\meshes\r\cliffracer_frostfire.nif Data Files\meshes\r\xcliffracer_frostfire.kf Data Files\meshes\r\xcliffracer_frostfire.nif Data Files\textures\tx_cliffracer_frostfire_head_00.dds Data Files\textures\tx_cliffracer_frostfire_tail_00.dds Data Files\textures\tx_cliffracer_frostfire_tail_03.dds Data Files\textures\tx_cliffracer_frostfire_wing_00.dds Data Files\textures\tx_cliffracer_frostfire_wing_01.dds Data Files\textures\tx_cliffracer_frostfire_wing_02.dds Data Files\kmsSM2021.esp # Contributing Anyone is free to take and edit this mod as long as you give credit. made by Relinquished001 nexus: Relinquished001 steam: Relinquished001 discord: Dralen#7743