Just drop the right esp or esps into your data files directory and check the box next to them in your mod manager. Lamps-No-Collision.esp if you only use Morrowind Lamps-No-Collision-T-B-Addon.esp (Only adds noncollision for the 8 lamps added by bloodmoon and tribunal)(Not recommended since it takes up 2 slows to do it this way) Lamps-No-Collision-Merged.esp If you use Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon All this does is make it so you or your companions don't get caught in place by the standing lamps in the game. How I did it Simply made them all carryable. I did not add icons for your inventory or even name them. The purpose was not really for you to use them although you could. The purpose was just to stop the player and other NPCs from getting stuck on them. If someone wants to add icons and names, let me know. Or make a patch and offer it for download. A little credit would be nice for the idea.