=============================================================================== | No Thank You | | A Morrowind Mod, Version 1.0 | | by Necrolesian | =============================================================================== ------------- Description | ------------- This mod adds a cancel button to Temple shrines and Imperial Cult altars. Now you can easily back out without selecting a blessing and paying a donation. No Thank You is basically like Descriptive Shrines, with the following differences: - No descriptions. - Patch for Purists fixes have been incorporated. - Cancel button says "Cancel" instead of "None". In addition, this mod affects two shrine scripts that are not used in vanilla Morrowind, but which mods might make use of. -------------- Installation | -------------- Use a mod management tool such as Wrye Mash, or just copy the plugin to your Data Files directory and select it in the Morrowind Launcher. --------------- Compatibility | --------------- No Thank You is compatible with any mod that changes the blessings (i.e. modifies the spell records). It's also compatible with Shrine Tooltips. It will conflict with Descriptive Shrines, and with any other mod that touches the shrine scripts. ----------------- Version History | ----------------- Version 1.0 - 2021-05-04 - Initial release. --------- Contact | --------- Feel free to contact me on the Nexus with any comments or suggestions. You can also find me on Discord as Necrolesian#9692. ------- Usage | ------- You can use this however you want.