Ashlock Market for Fligg's Slave mod- 1.0 A basic addon mod for both Morrowind and House Fligg's Slave Mod :Requirements: Morrowind House Fligg's slave mod :Features: Small market with purchaseable slaves south of Valenvaryon Combat and standard slaves in several races Slave keys in all vampire strongholds to free the cattle kept there. :Known Issues/Problems: Collision can be a bit iffy, particularly with the rocks in the holding pen. Sightlines are also a bit iffy in the holding pen, occasionally you may see the void. King may occasionally walk up against the walls. Lore experts may be enraged by the names, I just made them up based on the other names in the game. :Thanks: Fliggerty for House Fligg's slave mod Wiz1 for inspiring me to make a smaller slave mod, due to their Von Slave Market. Grumpy for their companion scripts included in House Fligg's slave mod