Supply Chain Author: Denina Version: 1.1 Requirements: Tribunal, Bloodmoon Installation: Just drop the .esp file in Data Files and on launch, tick the box to activate it. About: I love repeatable quests and Morrowind has a severe lack of these. So, this mod adds 12 lore-friendly, infinitely repeatable tasks with varying degrees of danger that you can do while adventuring. You can earn a decent, but not over-the-top, amount of money for your efforts. Getting started: Ask about 'little secret' in Ebonheart. If your disposition is high enough, you might learn about an opportunity. Changelog: 1.1 - Tweaked some dialogue and fixed a dialogue filter. 1.02 - Fixed an error in dialogue that made dialogue show up for everyone instead of just the quest giver. 1.01 - Fixed an error in dialogue that prevented player from progressing. Cleaned with TESAME and Tes3cmd. I haven't experienced any issues with this, but if you have any, please let me know. Contact: Discord: Shayna #7369 (I'm known as Denina in the Morrowind-related Discord channels.) Nexus: Email: <-Please put Morrowind or mod name in the subject line so I don't delete with spam.