Diminishing Skill Returns - version 0.3 - by GreyWyvern HISTORY - 0.3 - Change "five second rule" => configurable capture period - 0.2 - Fix initial install issue - 0.1 - First release DESCRIPTION Diminishing Skill Returns is a mod designed to remove the incentive for the player to spam skills many times for a long period of time in order to easily and inorganically boost skill levels. Examples would be constantly jumping to raise Acrobatics, or letting a group of mudcrabs attack you while you raise your block skill, or casting a targetted spell against a wall over and over to raise one of your magic skills. Now by performing an action over and over that raises a specific skill, the amount of XP you earn for that action will reduce over time until you're only earning 1% of the default XP you *should* be earning. So it will take 100x as long to gain a level of Acrobatics if your habit is to spam jump whenever you're running somewhere. Since Athletics and Sneak skills are raised by second-to-second, continuous action (running and evading detection respectively) they are excluded from being affected by default, but can be changed via the in-game Mod Configuration Menu. I'm releasing this mod as a 0.1 version for people to test and give feedback on the initial values for the configurable variables. If you have any comments, please message me on the Nexus or contact me via Discord at CoolsHisHands#9797 REQUIRES: - MGE XE: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/41102 - MWSE: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45468 BIG THANKS NullCascade, Axemagister, Greatness7, Merlord and everyone else I forgot from the #mwse Discord channel :) A Raven of Many Hats for helping me see a better way to accomplish this effect.