Tyddy Inspired Wood Replacers By Hraefngar Version: 1.0 ========= Contents ========= 1. Requirements 2. Description 3. Permissions 4. Credits ============= Requirements ============= Morrowind It is recommended that you use this with "Imperial Houses and Forts Retexture - Ordo Arkitektora" by Tyddy. ============ Description ============ This mod replaces several different wood textures so that they fit in better with the style of Tyddy's texture replacers. The mod also replaces the common imperial shelf textures covered by Tyddy that I wasn't as fond of. Cherry wood, brown wood shelves, kegstands, and the wood used for Velothi cave dwelling doors are all replaced. ============ Permissions ============ Modify my mod, but credit me as the original creator ======== Credits ======== Thanks to Tyddy for his texture replacers, which were an inspiration and a resource in creating this mod. Thanks to DassiD for Morrowind Enhanced Textures and to Tarius for his kegstand textures, which were both used as a resources as well. Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for developing Morrowind and the Construction Set. Thanks to Brucoms for developing the TES3 Readme Generator this readme was made from.