TACTICAL MORROWIND AR-15 2.0 The AR-15 the greatest civilian/law enforcement rifle of all time now in Morrowind complete with a magazine system and even muzzle flashes! The gun is located a crate in Seyda Neen right outside the Census office. Item ID list PLAYER->ADDITEM "TACTICAL_WEAPON_AR15" 1 Adds the AR-15 to your inventory PLAYER->ADDITEM "TACTICAL_AMMO_556" 1 Adds the base Ammunition to your inventory use this if you want to use the magazine PLAYER->ADDITEM "TACTICAL_MAG_556_30" 1 Adds a 30 round 556x45mm magazine to your inventory PLAYER->ADDITEM "WEAPON_TACTICAL_556" 1 Adds the equipable 556x45mm ammo to your inventory use if you want to equip the ammo directly instead of using the magazine TACTICAL MORRWIND V1.4 IS NOT REQUIRED CREDITS WEBLEY1 TIGG-AR15 MODEL PHIJAMA-MUZZLE FLASH SPRITE PERMISSIONS IF USED CREDIT AUTHORS