Steadicam 1.1 -------------- by Hrnchamd, released 2023-01-29 Summary ------- A smooth camera and free-look mod for Morrowind. In first person, it smooths camera rotation, adds optional body movement, and allows free-look. In third person, it stabilizes camera movement too, and free look will track your movements with the right settings. Includes a config menu with camera motion presets and full customization of each feature. Note that first person view only shows the player's arms, as the game was made without full body awareness. Requirements ------------ MWSE 2.1. Included with MGE XE. Installation ------------ Extract the archive to the Data Files directory. Make sure MWSE 2.1 is updated by running MWSE-Update. Usage ----- The default free-look key is 'N'. Try it out. By default the body inertia feature is enabled. See the Steadicam config in the Mod Config menu for access to all settings. Changelog --------- 1.1 - Add 'Steadicam enable' feature to config menu. - Fix body inertia briefly glitching after exiting free-look mode while moving.